Package SloppyCell :: Package Vandermonde :: Module OptimizeSumDets
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Module OptimizeSumDets

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Functions [hide private]
C(p, origMatrix, weightsRDP=0., weights2D=0., weightsLS=0., weightPR=0., weightPriors=0., *args, **kwargs)
p is list {a_{ij}, i: 1..n, j: i+1..n}...
source code
calcPriors(paramsList, pOpt=0., pSigma=10.) source code
Makes more sense to use on Jacobian than on Hessian.
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Makes more sense to use on Jacobian than on Hessian.
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sumAllDotProds(origMatrix) source code
sum2Determinants(matrixToSum) source code
sumLogSpacings(matrixToSum) source code
ParticipationRatio(origMatrix) source code
this is used if parameters define all elements of a matrix
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this is used if parameters define upper right triangular portion of skew-symmetric matrix.
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this is used if parameters define just upper right and lower left quadrants of antisymmetric matrix.
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BestMatrix(origMatrix, p=None, weightsRDP=1., weights2D=0., weightsLS=0., weightPR=0., weightPriors=0., seed=None, *args, **kwargs) source code
ManyBest(origMatrix, numberTries=10, p=None, numOpts=10, weightsRDP=1., weights2D=0., weightsLS=0., weightPR=0., weightPriors=0., seed=None, *args, **kwargs) source code
OptimizeManyTimes(origMatrix, p=None, numOpts=10, weightsRDP=1., weights2D=0., weightsLS=0., weightPR=0., weightPriors=0., seed=None, *args, **kwargs) source code
getGammas(numExps, distWidth=1.) source code
getAmounts(numExps, distWidth=1.) source code
netRadiation(gammas, amounts, time) source code
getHessFull(gammas=None, amounts=None, numExps=3) source code
getHessFullLogTime(gammas=None, amounts=None, numExps=3)
use this routine for new paper
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getHessGG(gammas=None, numExps=3) source code
getHessGGLogTime(gammas=None, amounts=None, numExps=3)
use this routine for the new paper
source code
getHessAA(amounts=None, gammas=None, numExps=3) source code
getHessAALogTime(amounts=None, gammas=None, numExps=3)
use this routine for the new paper
source code
getJacobian(times, amounts=None, gammas=None) source code
getJacobianLogTime(times, amounts=None, gammas=None) source code
getJacobianLog(times, gammas, amounts=None)
This is the routine to use for new paper (with times exponentially distributed.
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getJacobianLogG(times, gammas, amounts=None)
This is the routine to use for new paper (with times exponentially distributed.
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getJacobianLogA(times, gammas, amounts)
This is the routine to use for new paper (with times exponentially distributed.
source code
getJacobianG(times, gammas, amounts=None) source code
getJacobianGLogTime(times, gammas, amounts=None) source code
getJacobianA(times, amounts, gammas=None) source code
getJacobianALogTime(times, amounts, gammas=None) source code
Useful for plotting and otherwise comparing alignment of rows of matrices.
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transformMatrix(origMatrix, transformation) source code
In so far as permMat is a permutation matrix, returns the permutation.
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Takes a list defining the permutation and makes the appropriate matrix.
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timeCostEval(mat, p, numEvals=100) source code
timeGammas(listNumGammas, numEvals=1000) source code
plotLevels(levels, offset=0) source code
eVec(k, n) source code
sLSAlongP(origMatrix, params, k, deltaP) source code
PRAlongP(params, k, deltaP) source code
CostAlongP(origMatrix, params, k, deltaP, weightsRDP=0., weights2D=0., weightsLS=0., weightPR=0., weightPriors=0.) source code

Imports: scipy, time, Plotting

Function Details [hide private]

C(p, origMatrix, weightsRDP=0., weights2D=0., weightsLS=0., weightPR=0., weightPriors=0., *args, **kwargs)

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p is list {a_{ij}, i: 1..n, j: i+1..n}
n is size of total matrix


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this is used if parameters define upper right triangular portion of
skew-symmetric matrix.
Then performs a Cayley transformation of this skew-symmetric matrix.


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Useful for plotting and otherwise comparing alignment of rows of matrices.
Be careful that if vec[1] is zero, entire row gets zerod.