Package SloppyCell :: Package Vandermonde :: Module OptimizeSumDets
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Source Code for Module SloppyCell.Vandermonde.OptimizeSumDets

  1  import scipy 
  2  import time 
  3  try: 
  4      import SloppyCell.Plotting as Plotting 
  5  except ImportError: 
  6      pass 
8 -def C(p, origMatrix, weightsRDP=0.,weights2D=0.,weightsLS=0.,weightPR=0.,weightPriors=0.,*args,**kwargs):
9 """ 10 p is list {a_{ij}, i: 1..n, j: i+1..n} 11 n is size of total matrix 12 """ 13 n = origMatrix.shape[0] 14 OrthMatrix = ProcessHalfMatrix(p) 15 newMat = transformMatrix(origMatrix,OrthMatrix) 16 cost=0. 17 if weightsRDP > 0.: 18 cost += weightsRDP*sumRowDotProdsOLD(newMat) 19 if weights2D > 0.: 20 cost += weights2D*sum2Determinants(newMat) 21 if weightsLS > 0.: 22 cost += weightsLS*sumLogSpacings(newMat) 23 if weightPR>0.: 24 cost += weightPR/(ParticipationRatio(OrthMatrix)**2.) 25 ## cost += weightPR*(1.-ParticipationRatio(OrthMatrix)/n) 26 if weightPriors>0.: 27 cost +=weightPR*calcPriors(p) 28 return cost
30 -def calcPriors(paramsList, pOpt=0.,pSigma=10.):
31 priorCost=0. 32 for param in paramsList: 33 priorCost += ((param-pOpt)/pSigma)**2. 34 return priorCost
36 -def sumRowDotProdsOLD(origMatrix):
37 """ 38 Makes more sense to use on Jacobian than on Hessian. 39 """ 40 rowNormalized = normRows(origMatrix) 41 n = origMatrix.shape[0] 42 ## sumDotProds = sum([abs(([i],rowNormalized[i+1])))**(1./2.) for i in range(n-1)]) 43 sumDotProds = sum([1.-([i],rowNormalized[i+1]))**2. for i in range(n-1)]) 44 return sumDotProds
46 -def sumRowDotProdsNEW(origMatrix):
47 """ 48 Makes more sense to use on Jacobian than on Hessian. 49 """ 50 rowNormalized = normRows(origMatrix) 51 n = rowNormalized.shape[0] 52 sumDotProds = sumAllDotProds(rowNormalized[0:n/2]) + sumAllDotProds(rowNormalized[n/2:n]) 53 return sumDotProds
55 -def sumAllDotProds(origMatrix):
56 n = origMatrix.shape[0] 57 sumDotProds=0. 58 for ii in range(n): 59 for jj in range(ii+1,n): 60 sumDotProds +=[ii],origMatrix[jj])**2. 61 return sumDotProds
63 -def sum2Determinants(matrixToSum):
64 n = matrixToSum.shape[0]/2 65 det1 = scipy.linalg.det(matrixToSum[0:n,0:n]) 66 det2 = scipy.linalg.det(matrixToSum[n:n*2,n:n*2]) 67 return scipy.absolute(det1)+scipy.absolute(det2)
69 -def sumLogSpacings(matrixToSum):
70 n = matrixToSum.shape[0]/2 71 sv1 = scipy.linalg.svdvals(matrixToSum[0:n,0:n]) 72 sv2 = scipy.linalg.svdvals(matrixToSum[n:n*2,n:n*2]) 73 return sum(sv1[1:n]/sv1[0:n-1])+sum(sv2[1:n]/sv2[0:n-1])
75 -def ParticipationRatio(origMatrix):
76 return scipy.sum(scipy.sum(origMatrix**4))
78 -def ProcessFullMatrix(p):
79 """ 80 this is used if parameters define all elements of a matrix 81 """ 82 n = scipy.sqrt(len(p)).__int__() 83 pMat = scipy.reshape(p,(n,n)) 84 orthMat = scipy.linalg.orth(pMat) 85 return orthMat
87 -def ProcessHalfMatrix(p):
88 """ 89 this is used if parameters define upper right triangular portion of 90 skew-symmetric matrix. 91 Then performs a Cayley transformation of this skew-symmetric matrix. 92 """ 93 l = scipy.size(p) 94 n = scipy.round(((1.+scipy.sqrt(1+8.*l))/2.)).__int__() 95 Mfull = scipy.zeros((n,n),'d') 96 placeCounter=0 97 for i in range(n-1): 98 Mfull[i,(i+1):n] = p[placeCounter:(placeCounter+n-i-1)] 99 placeCounter += n-i-1 100 Mfull = Mfull - scipy.transpose(Mfull) 101 IMat = scipy.eye(n,'d') 102 return,scipy.linalg.inv(IMat+Mfull))
103 ## return scipy.linalg.expm(Mfull) 104
105 -def ProcessQuarterMatrix(p):
106 """ 107 this is used if parameters define just upper right and lower left 108 quadrants of antisymmetric matrix. 109 """ 110 n= scipy.sqrt(scipy.size(p)) 111 Mu = scipy.resize(p, (n,n)) 112 Mfull = scipy.bmat([[scipy.zeros((n,n)),Mu],[-scipy.transpose(Mu),scipy.zeros((n,n))]]) 113 return scipy.linalg.expm(Mfull)
115 -def BestMatrix(origMatrix, p=None, weightsRDP=1., weights2D=0., weightsLS=0., weightPR=0., weightPriors=0., seed=None, *args, **kwargs):
116 if seed is not None: 117 scipy.random.seed(seed) 118 n = origMatrix.shape[0] 119 if p is None: 120 p = (scipy.random.random(n*(n-1)/2)-0.5) 121 pOpt = scipy.optimize.fmin(C, p, args=(origMatrix,weightsRDP, weights2D, weightsLS, weightPR, weightPriors), *args, **kwargs) 122 return C(pOpt, origMatrix, weightsRDP, weights2D, weightsLS, weightPR, weightPriors), pOpt
124 -def ManyBest(origMatrix, numberTries=10, p=None,numOpts=10,weightsRDP=1., weights2D=0., weightsLS=0., weightPR=0., weightPriors=0., seed=None, *args, **kwargs):
125 return [OptimizeManyTimes(origMatrix,p,numOpts,weightsRDP, weights2D, weightsLS, weightPR, weightPriors, seed, *args, **kwargs) for i in range(numberTries)]
127 -def OptimizeManyTimes(origMatrix,p=None,numOpts=10,weightsRDP=1., weights2D=0., weightsLS=0., weightPR=0., weightPriors=0., seed=None, *args, **kwargs):
128 C,pOpt = BestMatrix(origMatrix,p,weightsRDP,weights2D,weightsLS,weightPR,weightPriors,seed,*args,**kwargs) 129 for i in range(numOpts-1): 130 C,pOpt = BestMatrix(origMatrix,pOpt,weightsRDP,weights2D,weightsLS,weightPR,weightPriors,seed,*args,**kwargs) 131 return C, pOpt
133 -def getGammas(numExps,distWidth=1.):
134 epsilons = scipy.random.random(numExps)-0.5 135 gammas = 1.+epsilons 136 return gammas
138 -def getAmounts(numExps,distWidth=1.):
139 # amounts=scipy.ones(numExps,'d') 140 amounts = scipy.random.random(numExps)-0.5 141 amounts = 1.+amounts 142 return amounts
144 -def netRadiation(gammas,amounts,time):
145 netR = amounts*scipy.exp(-gammas*time) 146 return scipy.sum(netR)
148 -def getHessFull(gammas=None,amounts=None,numExps=3):
149 if gammas is None: 150 gammas = getGammas(numExps) 151 if amounts is None: 152 amounts = getAmounts(numExps) 153 154 numExps=scipy.size(gammas) 155 156 hessgg = getHessGG(gammas) 157 158 hessAA = getHessAA(amounts,gammas) 159 160 numerAg1 = -scipy.outer(amounts,amounts*gammas) 161 denomAg1 = scipy.outer(scipy.ones(numExps),gammas) 162 denomAg2 = scipy.transpose(denomAg1)+denomAg1 163 denomAg3 = denomAg2*denomAg2 164 hessAg = numerAg1/denomAg3 165 166 numergA1 = -scipy.outer(amounts*gammas,amounts) 167 denomgA1 = scipy.outer(gammas,scipy.ones(numExps)) 168 denomgA2 = scipy.transpose(denomgA1)+denomgA1 169 denomgA3 = denomgA2*denomgA2 170 hessgA = numergA1/denomgA3 171 172 hessFull = scipy.bmat([[hessAA,hessAg],[hessgA,hessgg]]) 173 174 return hessFull
176 -def getHessFullLogTime(gammas=None,amounts=None,numExps=3):
177 """use this routine for new paper""" 178 if gammas is None: 179 gammas = getGammas(numExps) 180 if amounts is None: 181 amounts = getAmounts(numExps) 182 183 numExps=scipy.size(gammas) 184 185 amountsLess1 = amounts[0:-1] 186 gammasLess1 = gammas[0:-1] 187 188 hessgg = getHessGGLogTime(gammas=gammas,amounts=amounts) 189 190 hessAA = getHessAALogTime(amounts=amounts,gammas=gammas) 191 192 numerAg1 = scipy.array(-2.*scipy.outer(amountsLess1,amounts*gammas)) 193 denomAg1 = scipy.array(scipy.outer(gammasLess1,scipy.ones(numExps))) 194 denomAg2 = scipy.array(scipy.outer(scipy.ones(numExps-1),gammas)) 195 denomAg3 = scipy.array(denomAg1+denomAg2) 196 denomAg4 = denomAg2+gammas[-1] 197 hessAg = scipy.array(numerAg1/denomAg3)-scipy.array(numerAg1/denomAg4) 198 199 hessgA = scipy.transpose(hessAg) 200 201 hessFull = scipy.array(scipy.bmat([[hessAA,hessAg],[hessgA,hessgg]])) 202 203 return hessFull
205 -def getHessGG(gammas=None,numExps=3):
206 if gammas is None: 207 numExps=6 208 gammas = scipy.array([1.,1.2,1.4,1001.,1005.,997.]) 209 210 numExps = scipy.size(gammas) 211 numergg1 = 2.*scipy.outer(gammas, gammas) 212 denomgg1 = scipy.outer(scipy.ones(numExps),gammas) 213 denomgg2 = scipy.transpose(denomgg1)+denomgg1 214 denomgg3 = denomgg2*denomgg2*denomgg2 215 hessgg = numergg1/denomgg3 216 217 return hessgg
219 -def getHessGGLogTime(gammas=None,amounts=None,numExps=3):
220 """use this routine for the new paper""" 221 if gammas is None: 222 numExps=6 223 gammas = scipy.array([1.,1.2,1.4,1001.,1005.,997.]) 224 if amounts is None: 225 amounts = scipy.ones(numExps,'d') 226 227 numExps = scipy.size(gammas) 228 numergg1 = scipy.array(2.*scipy.outer(gammas*amounts, gammas*amounts)) 229 denomgg1 = scipy.array(scipy.outer(scipy.ones(numExps),gammas)) 230 denomgg2 = scipy.array(scipy.transpose(denomgg1)+denomgg1) 231 denomgg3 = scipy.array(denomgg2*denomgg2) 232 hessgg = scipy.array(numergg1/denomgg3) 233 234 return hessgg
236 -def getHessAA(amounts=None,gammas=None,numExps=3):
237 if amounts is None: 238 amounts = getAmounts(numExps) 239 if gammas is None: 240 gammas = getGammas(numExps) 241 242 numExps = scipy.size(amounts) 243 244 numerAA1 = scipy.outer(amounts,amounts) 245 denomAA1 = scipy.outer(scipy.ones(numExps),gammas) 246 denomAA2 = scipy.transpose(denomAA1)+denomAA1 247 hessAA = numerAA1/denomAA2 248 249 return hessAA
251 -def getHessAALogTime(amounts=None,gammas=None,numExps=3):
252 """use this routine for the new paper""" 253 if amounts is None: 254 amounts = getAmounts(numExps) 255 if gammas is None: 256 gammas = getGammas(numExps) 257 258 numExps = scipy.size(amounts) 259 amountsLess1 = amounts[0:-1] 260 gammasLess1 = gammas[0:-1] 261 262 numerAA1 = scipy.array(scipy.outer(amountsLess1,amountsLess1)) 263 numerAA2 = scipy.array(scipy.outer(gammasLess1+gammas[-1],scipy.ones(numExps-1))) 264 numerAA3 = scipy.array(scipy.outer(scipy.ones(numExps-1),gammasLess1+gammas[-1])) 265 denomAA1 = scipy.array(scipy.outer(scipy.ones(numExps-1),2*gammas[-1]*gammasLess1)) 266 denomAA2 = scipy.array(scipy.transpose(denomAA1)+denomAA1) 267 hessAA = 2.*scipy.array(numerAA1*scipy.log(numerAA2*numerAA3/denomAA2)) 268 269 return hessAA
271 -def getJacobian(times, amounts=None, gammas=None):
272 numGammas=0 273 numAmounts=0 274 if gammas is not None: 275 numGammas = scipy.size(gammas) 276 if amounts is not None: 277 numAmounts = scipy.size(amounts) 278 Jacobian = scipy.zeros((numGammas+numAmounts,scipy.size(times)),'d') 279 if numAmounts > 0: 280 Jacobian[0:numAmounts] = getJacobianA(times,amounts,gammas) 281 if numGammas > 0: 282 Jacobian[numAmounts:numAmounts+numGammas] = getJacobianG(times,gammas,amounts) 283 return Jacobian
285 -def getJacobianLogTime(times, amounts=None, gammas=None):
286 numGammas=0 287 numAmounts=0 288 if gammas is not None: 289 numGammas = scipy.size(gammas) 290 if amounts is not None: 291 numAmounts = scipy.size(amounts) 292 JacobianLogTime = scipy.zeros((numGammas+numAmounts,scipy.size(times)),'d') 293 if numAmounts > 0: 294 JacobianLogTime[0:numAmounts] = getJacobianALogTime(times,amounts,gammas) 295 if numGammas > 0: 296 JacobianLogTime[numAmounts:numAmounts+numGammas] = getJacobianGLogTime(times,gammas,amounts) 297 return JacobianLogTime
299 -def getJacobianLog(times,gammas,amounts=None):
300 """This is the routine to use for new paper (with times exponentially 301 distributed.""" 302 numExps = scipy.size(gammas) 303 if amounts is None: 304 amounts = scipy.ones(numExps,'d') 305 jacG = getJacobianLogG(times,gammas,amounts) 306 jacA = getJacobianLogA(times,gammas,amounts) 307 return scipy.transpose(scipy.array(scipy.bmat([[jacA],[jacG]])))
308 309
310 -def getJacobianLogG(times,gammas,amounts=None):
311 """This is the routine to use for new paper (with times exponentially 312 distributed.""" 313 numExps = scipy.size(gammas) 314 if amounts is None: 315 amounts = scipy.ones(numExps,'d') 316 JacobianLogG = scipy.array([gammas[j]*amounts[j]*(-times)*scipy.exp(-gammas[j]*times) for j in range(numExps)]) 317 return JacobianLogG
319 -def getJacobianLogA(times,gammas,amounts):
320 """This is the routine to use for new paper (with times exponentially 321 distributed.""" 322 numExps = scipy.size(gammas) 323 JacobianLogA = scipy.array([amounts[j]*(scipy.exp(-gammas[j]*times)-scipy.exp(-gammas[-1]*times)) for j in range(numExps-1)]) 324 return JacobianLogA
326 -def getJacobianG(times,gammas,amounts=None):
327 numGammas = scipy.size(gammas) 328 if amounts is None: 329 amounts = scipy.ones(numGammas,'d') 330 JacobianG = scipy.array([-amounts[i]*gammas[i]*times*scipy.exp(-gammas[i]*times) for i in range(numGammas)]) 331 return JacobianG
333 -def getJacobianGLogTime(times,gammas,amounts=None):
334 numGammas = scipy.size(gammas) 335 if amounts is None: 336 amounts = scipy.ones(numGammas,'d') 337 JacobianGLogTime = scipy.array([-amounts[i]*gammas[i]*scipy.sqrt(times)*scipy.exp(-gammas[i]*times) for i in range(numGammas)]) 338 return JacobianGLogTime
340 -def getJacobianA(times,amounts,gammas=None):
341 numAmounts = scipy.size(amounts) 342 if gammas is None: 343 gammas = scipy.zeros(numAmounts,'d') 344 JacobianA = scipy.array([amounts[i]*scipy.exp(-gammas[i]*times) for i in range(numAmounts)]) 345 return JacobianA
347 -def getJacobianALogTime(times,amounts,gammas=None):
348 numAmounts = scipy.size(amounts) 349 if gammas is None: 350 gammas = scipy.zeros(numAmounts,'d') 351 JacobianALogTime = scipy.array([(amounts[i]/scipy.sqrt(times))*scipy.exp(-gammas[i]*times) for i in range(numAmounts)]) 352 return JacobianALogTime
354 -def normRows(matrixToPlot):
355 """ 356 Useful for plotting and otherwise comparing alignment of rows of matrices. 357 Be careful that if vec[1] is zero, entire row gets zerod. 358 """ 359 return scipy.array([scipy.sign(vec[1])*vec/scipy.sqrt(,vec)) for vec in matrixToPlot])
361 -def transformMatrix(origMatrix, transformation):
362 n, m =origMatrix.shape 363 if n == m: 364 newMat =,,scipy.transpose(transformation))) 365 else: 366 newMat =,origMatrix) 367 return newMat
369 -def findPermutation(permMat):
370 """ 371 In so far as permMat is a permutation matrix, returns the permutation. 372 """ 373 maxs = [(vec.tolist().index(max(vec)), max(vec)) for vec in permMat] 374 mins = [(vec.tolist().index(min(vec)), min(vec)) for vec in permMat] 375 for ii in range(len(maxs)): 376 if maxs[ii][1] < -mins[ii][1]: 377 maxs[ii] = mins[ii] 378 return maxs
380 -def makePermutationMatrix(permList):
381 """ 382 Takes a list defining the permutation and makes the appropriate matrix. 383 """ 384 permList = scipy.array(permList) 385 n = len(permList) 386 if 0 not in permList: 387 permList = permList - 1 388 permMat = scipy.zeros((n,n),'d') 389 for ii, jj in enumerate(permList): 390 permMat[ii,jj] = 1. 391 return permMat
393 -def timeCostEval(mat, p, numEvals=100):
394 start = time.time() 395 for ii in range(numEvals): 396 Cost = C(p,mat) 397 stop = time.time() 398 print "time per eval:", (stop-start)/numEvals 399 return (stop-start)/numEvals
401 -def timeGammas(listNumGammas, numEvals=1000):
402 timesToCalc = [] 403 for numGammas in listNumGammas: 404 gammas = getGammas(numGammas) 405 jac = getJacobianG(gammas=gammas,times=scipy.arange(500.)) 406 p = scipy.random.random(numGammas*(numGammas-1)/2)-0.5 407 timePerEval = timeCostEval(jac,p,numEvals) 408 timesToCalc.append(timePerEval) 409 return timesToCalc
411 -def plotLevels(levels,offset=0):
412 xs = [offset+0.6,offset+1.4] 413 for lvl in levels: 414 Plotting.semilogy(xs,[lvl,lvl],'k') 415 return
417 -def eVec(k,n):
418 eVec = scipy.zeros(n,'d') 419 eVec[k] = 1. 420 return eVec
422 -def sLSAlongP(origMatrix,params,k,deltaP):
423 sLSList = [sumLogSpacings(transformMatrix(origMatrix,ProcessHalfMatrix(params+x*params[k]*eVec(k,len(params))))) for x in scipy.arange(-deltaP,deltaP,deltaP/1000)] 424 return sLSList
426 -def PRAlongP(params,k,deltaP):
427 n = len(params) 428 PRList = [1./ParticipationRatio(ProcessHalfMatrix(params+x*params[k]*eVec(k,n))) for x in scipy.arange(-deltaP,deltaP,deltaP/1000)] 429 ## PRList = [1./ParticipationRatio(transformMatrix(origMatrix,ProcessHalfMatrix(params+x*params[k]*eVec(k,n)))) for x in scipy.arange(-deltaP,deltaP,deltaP/100)] 430 ## PRList = [1.-ParticipationRatio(transformMatrix(origMatrix,ProcessHalfMatrix(params+x*params[k]*eVec(k,n))))/n for x in scipy.arange(-deltaP,deltaP,deltaP/100)] 431 return PRList
433 -def CostAlongP(origMatrix,params,k,deltaP,weightsRDP=0.,weights2D=0.,weightsLS=0.,weightPR=0.,weightPriors=0.):
434 n = len(params) 435 CostList = [C(params+x*params[k]*eVec(k,n),origMatrix, weightsRDP,weights2D,weightsLS,weightPR,weightPriors) for x in scipy.arange(-deltaP,deltaP,deltaP/100)] 436 return CostList