Package SloppyCell :: Module Plotting
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Module Plotting

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Functions [hide private]
Returns a generator that cycles through a selection of colors, symbols, and line styles for matlibplot.matlab.plot.
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Reset the ColorWheel used for plotting eigenvalues.
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plot_eigvals(vals, label=None, offset=0, indicate_neg=True, join=False, sym=None, ax=None)
Make a nice eigenvalue plot.
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plot_eigval_spectrum(vals, widths=1.0, offset=0, ax=None, lc='k', lw=3)
Plot eigenvalues as a set of horizontal lines.
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plot_singvals(vals, label=None, offset=0, join=False) source code
PlotEigenvalueSpectrum(vals, label=None, offset=0, indicate_neg=True, join=False, sym=None, ax=None)
Make a nice eigenvalue plot.
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plot_eigvect(vect, labels=None, bottom=0, num_label=5, label_offset=0.15)
Plot a given eigenvector.
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plot_priors(model, priorIDs=None, params=None, sameScale=False)
Plots specified priors and parameter values.
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Variables [hide private]
  basic_colors = 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'k'
  basic_symbols = 'o', 's', '^', 'v', '<', ">", 'x', 'D', 'h', 'p'
  basic_lines = '-', '--', '-.', ':'
  vals_cW = 0

Imports: scipy, SloppyCell, dist, entropy, sci, contourf, frange, fft2, rec2csv, ylabel, norm, MultipleLocator, mlab, rec_append_field, mpl, rc, thetagrids, cool, window_hanning, FormatStrFormatter, longest_contiguous_ones, colors, fftn, ishold, Circle, spectral, YearLocator, axes, polyfit, axvline, irfftn, twiny, twinx, num2epoch, matplotlib, l2norm, rgrids, legend, box, irfft2, levypdf, IndexDateFormatter, MO, LogLocator, broken_barh, HourLocator, l1norm, ginput, FR, fftshift, num2date, silent_list, ifftn, plot, fromfunction_kw, axhspan, xticks, clabel, YEARLY, fftfreq, ifft2, vlines, flag, hold, autumn, ma, Text, det, SU, DateLocator, SA, scatter, Normalize, spy, MinuteLocator, quiver, figure, get_sparse_matrix, setp, DAILY, irefftn, sample, rms_flat, eigvalsh, pink, winter, gcf, gci, csd, RRuleLocator, hot, exception_to_str, axis, pinv, LogFormatter, normalize, irefft2, colormaps, pylab_setup, TickHelper, barbs, xlim, MONTHLY, over, fft, window_none, Widget, disconnect, clf, stineman_interp, cla, strpdate2num, subplot_tool, SECONDLY, suptitle, get_backend, drange, Arrow, is_numlike, waitforbuttonpress, relativedelta, MonthLocator, tensorinv, dist_point_to_segment, bone, griddata, poly_below, isvector, connect, IndexLocator, mfuncC, rem, plotting, log2, date2num, rec_join, acorr, Line2D, get_scale_docs, semilogx, semilogy, yticks, epoch2num, copper, irfft, ranf, subplots_adjust, fill_between, Axes, MaxNLocator, rank, figimage, jet, figaspect, imshow, axhline, mean_flat, pcolor, LogFormatterExponent, ihfft, detrend_none, liaupunov, sum_flat, prctile_rank, segments_intersect, ispower2, xlabel, xcorr, subplot, isinteractive, eigvals, barh, clim, ylim, binary_repr, figlegend, demean, FixedFormatter, boxplot, SecondLocator, warnings, Button, amap, distances_along_curve, axvspan, FuncFormatter, WE, popd, text, random, get_plot_commands, find, FigureCanvasBase, cholesky, title, PolarAxes, center_matrix, plotfile, get, gray, qr, bar, ioff, lstsq, loglog, rcParamsDefault, fftsurr, hfft, refftn, prctile, LogFormatterMathtext, imread, close, DayLocator, Formatter, is_string_like, contour, NullFormatter, get_xyz_where, hist, bivariate_normal, detrend_linear, detrend, AutoLocator, refft2, WEEKLY, DateFormatter, Locator, LinAlgError, orth, interactive, rec_drop_fields, prepca, load, cm, solve, figtext, norm_flat, table, cohere, normpdf, Rectangle, approx_real, rfftn, switch_backend, longest_ones, path_length, csv2rec, colorbar, rfft2, eig, Polygon, conv, cond, WeekdayLocator, poly_between, getp, dedent, polyval, SubplotTool, matrix_power, sys, ion, identity, refft, ifft, Figure, trapz, add_newdocs, rcParams, summer, hexbin, quiverkey, savefig, detrend_mean, get_current_fig_manager, bench, hlines, save, Annotation, get_scale_names, psd, datestr2num, test, grid, vector_lengths, plot_date, pcolormesh, findobj, spring, NullLocator, rcdefaults, rfft, rrule, matshow, MINUTELY, ifftshift, inside_poly, Artist, is_closed_polygon, iterable, LinearLocator, plt, arrow, stem, step, np, hsv, diagonal_matrix, mx2num, ScalarFormatter, exp_safe, annotate, sqrtm, get_cmap, HOURLY, irefft, slopes, flatten, rk4, yscale, inv, specgram, pie, gca, fill, Tester, TU, Slider, prism, TH, xscale, polar, draw, errorbar, delaxes, movavg, svd, colorbar_doc, base_repr, eigh, FixedLocator, tensorsolve, Residuals

Function Details [hide private]

plot_eigvals(vals, label=None, offset=0, indicate_neg=True, join=False, sym=None, ax=None)

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Make a nice eigenvalue plot.

vals: The eigenvalues to plot.
label: Label to give the line, for use in a legend.
offset: Horizontal offset for the starting point of the eigenvalue plot.
indicate_neg: If True (default), negative eigenvalues are indicated by red
join: If True, the eigenvalues are plotted with a line joining them.
sym: If not None, the supplied symbol/color combination is used for the 
     plot. Otherwise it is automatically rotated.
ax: If not None, this matplotlib Axes object is plotted to. Otherwise the
    current interactive axes are used.

plot_eigval_spectrum(vals, widths=1.0, offset=0, ax=None, lc='k', lw=3)

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Plot eigenvalues as a set of horizontal lines.

vals    Eigenvalues to plot
widths  Horizontal width of the lines
offset  Starting x position for the lines
ax      Axis instance to plot to. If ax is None, current plot axis is used
lc      Color of lines
lw      Line thicknesses

PlotEigenvalueSpectrum(vals, label=None, offset=0, indicate_neg=True, join=False, sym=None, ax=None)

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Make a nice eigenvalue plot.

vals: The eigenvalues to plot.
label: Label to give the line, for use in a legend.
offset: Horizontal offset for the starting point of the eigenvalue plot.
indicate_neg: If True (default), negative eigenvalues are indicated by red
join: If True, the eigenvalues are plotted with a line joining them.
sym: If not None, the supplied symbol/color combination is used for the 
     plot. Otherwise it is automatically rotated.
ax: If not None, this matplotlib Axes object is plotted to. Otherwise the
    current interactive axes are used.

plot_eigvect(vect, labels=None, bottom=0, num_label=5, label_offset=0.15)

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Plot a given eigenvector.

If a list of labels is passed in, the largest (in magnitude) num_label bars
  will be labeled on the plot. label_offset controls how much the labels
  are shifted from the top of the bars for clarity.
bottom controls where the bar plot is centered along the y axis. This is 
  useful for plotting several e'vectors on the same axes.

plot_priors(model, priorIDs=None, params=None, sameScale=False)

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Plots specified priors and parameter values.
If no priors are specified, plots them all.
If no params are provided, uses the model params.
If sameScale is true, recenters everything so all prior optima are at 0.
Labeling is awkward and hence avoided here.  I suggest using the
pylab.text command with parameter names after the plot has been generated.