Package SloppyCell :: Module Plotting
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Source Code for Module SloppyCell.Plotting

  1  import scipy 
  2  import SloppyCell 
  3  # We've had yet more trouble running in parallel, but these errors were actually 
  4  #  killing the job without raising any error. So let's just only even try 
  5  #  importing if we're the master node. 
  6  if SloppyCell.my_rank != 0: 
  7      raise ImportError 
  9  try: 
 10      from pylab import * 
 11  except RuntimeError: 
 12      # When running in parallel we found that this import could raise a 
 13      # 'RuntimeError: could not open display' rather than an ImportError, so 
 14      # we catch and raise an error we know how to handle 
 15      raise ImportError 
 17  import Residuals 
 19  rc('lines', linewidth=2) 
 21  basic_colors = ('b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'k') 
 22  basic_symbols = ('o', 's', '^', 'v', '<', ">", 'x', 'D', 'h', 'p') 
 23  basic_lines = ('-', '--', '-.', ':') 
25 -def ColorWheel(colors = basic_colors, symbols = basic_symbols, 26 lines = basic_lines):
27 """ 28 ColorWheel() 29 30 Returns a generator that cycles through a selection of colors, symbols, and 31 line styles for matlibplot.matlab.plot. 32 """ 33 if not colors: 34 colors = ('',) 35 if not symbols: 36 symbols = ('',) 37 if not lines: 38 lines = ('',) 39 40 while 1: 41 for l in lines: 42 for s in symbols: 43 for c in colors: 44 yield (c, s, l)
45 46 vals_cW = 0
47 -def reset_vals_cw():
48 """ 49 Reset the ColorWheel used for plotting eigenvalues. 50 """ 51 global vals_cW 52 vals_cW = ColorWheel(colors = ('b', 'r', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'), 53 lines = None)
54 reset_vals_cw() 55
56 -def plot_eigvals(vals, label=None, offset=0, indicate_neg=True, join=False, 57 sym=None, ax=None):
58 """ 59 Make a nice eigenvalue plot. 60 61 vals: The eigenvalues to plot. 62 label: Label to give the line, for use in a legend. 63 offset: Horizontal offset for the starting point of the eigenvalue plot. 64 indicate_neg: If True (default), negative eigenvalues are indicated by red 65 points. 66 join: If True, the eigenvalues are plotted with a line joining them. 67 sym: If not None, the supplied symbol/color combination is used for the 68 plot. Otherwise it is automatically rotated. 69 ax: If not None, this matplotlib Axes object is plotted to. Otherwise the 70 current interactive axes are used. 71 """ 72 posVals = abs(scipy.compress(scipy.real(vals) > 0, vals)) 73 posRange = scipy.compress(scipy.real(vals) > 0, range(len(vals))) 74 negVals = abs(scipy.compress(scipy.real(vals) < 0, vals)) 75 negRange = scipy.compress(scipy.real(vals) < 0, range(len(vals))) 76 77 if ax is None: 78 ax = gca() 79 80 if sym is None: 81 sym = 82 if indicate_neg: 83 if sym[0] == 'r': 84 sym = 85 if len(negVals) > 0: 86 ax.semilogy(negRange+offset, negVals, color = 'r', marker=sym[1], 87 linestyle='', mfc = 'r', zorder=1) 88 89 line = ax.semilogy(posRange+offset, posVals, color=sym[0], marker=sym[1], 90 label = label, zorder=0, markerfacecolor=sym[0], 91 linestyle='') 92 93 if join: 94 ax.plot(scipy.arange(len(vals)) + offset, abs(vals), color = sym[0], 95 linestyle='-', zorder=-1) 96 97 a = axis() 98 axis([-0.05*len(vals) + offset, 1.05*(len(vals) - 1) + offset, a[2], a[3]]) 99 100 return line
102 -def plot_eigval_spectrum(vals, widths=1.0, offset=0, ax=None, lc='k', lw=3):
103 """ 104 Plot eigenvalues as a set of horizontal lines. 105 106 vals Eigenvalues to plot 107 widths Horizontal width of the lines 108 offset Starting x position for the lines 109 ax Axis instance to plot to. If ax is None, current plot axis is used 110 lc Color of lines 111 lw Line thicknesses 112 """ 113 114 if ax is None: 115 ax = gca() 116 117 vals = scipy.compress(vals > 0, vals) 118 119 segs = scipy.array([((offset, val), (offset+widths, val)) for val in vals]) 120 for seg in segs: 121 ax.plot(seg[:,0], seg[:,1], lw=lw, color=lc) 122 ax.set_yscale('log') 123 124 return
126 -def plot_singvals(vals, label=None, offset=0, join=False):
127 return plot_eigvals(vals, label, offset, indicate_neg=False, join=join)
128 129 PlotEigenvalueSpectrum = plot_eigvals 130
131 -def plot_eigvect(vect, labels=None, bottom=0, num_label=5, label_offset=0.15):
132 """ 133 Plot a given eigenvector. 134 135 If a list of labels is passed in, the largest (in magnitude) num_label bars 136 will be labeled on the plot. label_offset controls how much the labels 137 are shifted from the top of the bars for clarity. 138 bottom controls where the bar plot is centered along the y axis. This is 139 useful for plotting several e'vectors on the same axes. 140 """ 141 # The 0.4 centers the bars on their numbers, accounting for the default 142 # bar width of 0.8 143 vect = scipy.real(vect) 144 max_index = scipy.argmax(abs(vect)) 145 if vect[max_index] < 0: 146 vect = -vect 147 bar(scipy.arange(len(vect)) - 0.4, vect/scipy.linalg.norm(vect), 148 bottom=bottom) 149 a = list(axis()) 150 a[0:2] = [-.03*len(vect) - 0.4, (len(vect) - 1)*1.03 + 0.4] 151 152 if labels is not None: 153 mags = zip(abs(vect), range(len(vect)), vect) 154 mags.sort() 155 mags.reverse() 156 for mag, index, val in mags[:num_label]: 157 name = labels[index] 158 text(index, val + scipy.sign(val)*label_offset, name, 159 horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') 160 161 a[2] -= 0.1 162 a[3] += 0.1 163 164 axis(a)
166 -def plot_priors(model,priorIDs=None,params=None,sameScale=False):
167 """ 168 Plots specified priors and parameter values. 169 If no priors are specified, plots them all. 170 If no params are provided, uses the model params. 171 If sameScale is true, recenters everything so all prior optima are at 0. 172 Labeling is awkward and hence avoided here. I suggest using the 173 pylab.text command with parameter names after the plot has been generated. 174 """ 175 if params is None: 176 params=model.get_params() 177 residuals = model.GetResiduals() 178 if priorIDs is None: 179 priorIDs = residuals.keys() 180 181 priorVals=[] 182 priorErrs=[] 183 parVals=[] 184 for resID in priorIDs: 185 res = residuals.getByKey(resID) 186 if isinstance(res, Residuals.PriorInLog): 187 priorVals.append(res.logPVal) 188 priorErrs.append(res.sigmaLogPVal) 189 parVals.append(params.getByKey(res.pKey)) 190 191 if sameScale is False: 192 errorbar(scipy.arange(len(priorVals)),priorVals,yerr=priorErrs,fmt='bo',ecolor='k',capsize=6) 193 errorbar(scipy.arange(len(priorVals)),scipy.log(parVals),fmt='go') 194 else: 195 errorbar(scipy.arange(len(priorVals)),scipy.zeros(len(priorVals)),yerr=priorErrs,fmt=None,ecolor='k',capsize=6) 196 errorbar(scipy.arange(len(priorVals)),scipy.log(parVals)-priorVals,fmt='go')