Package SloppyCell :: Package ReactionNetworks :: Module IO
[hide private]

Module IO

source code

Functions [hide private]
to_SBML_file(net, fileName) source code
from_SBML_file(fileName, id=None, duplicate_rxn_params=False) source code
net_DOT_file(net, filename=None, size=(7.5,10)) source code
eqns_TeX_file(net, filename=None, simpleTeX=False, landscape=False)
Output a TeX file containing the network equations and other information.
source code
_net_eqns_to_TeX(net, simpleTeX=False)
Return a string that contains the longtable-bound TeX'd equations for the network.
source code
dynamic_function_from_file(obj, filename)
Load a dynamic function from a file and attach it to the obj.
source code
output_dynamic_functions(obj, directory=SloppyCell._TEMP_DIR)
Output .py files for this objects's dynamic functions into the given directory.
source code

Imports: os, sets, SBML, SloppyCell, KeyedList, ExprManip, Network_mod, Trajectory_mod

Function Details [hide private]

eqns_TeX_file(net, filename=None, simpleTeX=False, landscape=False)

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Output a TeX file containing the network equations and other information.

net: Network to work with.
filename: Filename for resulting TeX file. If filename==None, the output 
          file will be <network id>.tex
simpleTeX: If True, some TeX that causes problems in WYSIWYG editors such as
           LyX will be omitted.

_net_eqns_to_TeX(net, simpleTeX=False)

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Return a string that contains the longtable-bound TeX'd equations for the
network. Also includes events and current optimizable parameter values.

simpleTeX: If True, some TeX that causes problems in WYSIWYG editors such as
           LyX will be omitted.

dynamic_function_from_file(obj, filename)

source code 

Load a dynamic function from a file and attach it to the obj. (A Network
or Trajectory.)

The filename must be <function_name>.py