Package SloppyCell :: Package Vandermonde :: Module clusterScripts
[hide private]

Module clusterScripts

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Functions [hide private]
getDist(ind1, ind2, distMat)
distMat is a distance matrix.
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FlattenIt(x, distMat)
Takes topo output from hierarchical clustering and orders the list at the bottom level to correspond to the optimal permutation.
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Takes a list defining the permutation and makes the appropriate matrix.
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Normalizes each column of a matrix.
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Multiplies columns by +/- 1 to make them have positive dot product with neighboring columns.
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Imports: scipy

Function Details [hide private]

getDist(ind1, ind2, distMat)

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distMat is a distance matrix.  distMat[i,j] == distance from i to j


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Normalizes each column of a matrix.  So far just for display purposes.


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Multiplies columns by +/- 1 to make them have positive dot product with neighboring
columns.  So far just for display purposes.