Package SloppyCell :: Module Model_mod :: Class Model
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Class Model

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A Model object connects a set of experimental data with the objects used to
model that data.

Most importantly, a Model can calculate a cost for a given set of 
parameters, characterizing how well those parameters fit the data contained
within the model.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, expts, calcs)
expts A sequence of Experiments to be fit to.
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Compile all the calculations contained within the Model.
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copy(self) source code
__repr__(self) source code
Return a copy of the current model parameters
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Get the initial conditions currently present in a model for dynamic variables that are not assigned variables.
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set_ICs(self, ics)
Sets the initial conditions into the model.
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_evaluate(self, params, T=1)
Evaluate the cost for the model, returning the intermediate residuals, and chi-squared.
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res(self, params)
Return the residual values of the model fit given a set of parameters
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res_log_params(self, log_params)
Return the residual values given the logarithm of the parameters
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res_dict(self, params)
Return the residual values of the model fit given a set of parameters in dictionary form.
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chisq(self, params)
Return the sum of the squares of the residuals for the model
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redchisq(self, params)
Return chi-squared divided by the number of degrees of freedom
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cost(self, params)
Return the cost (1/2 chisq) of the model
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cost_log_params(self, log_params)
Return the cost given the logarithm of the input parameters
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free_energy(self, params, T) source code
_notify(self, **args)
Call all observers with the given arguments.
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attach_observer(self, obs_key, observer)
Add an observer to be notified by this Model.
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detach_observer(self, obs_key)
Remove an observer from the Model.
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Return the KeyedList of observers for this model.
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Call reset() for all attached observers.
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resDict(self, params)
Return the residual values of the model fit given a set of parameters in dictionary form.
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AddResidual(self, res) source code
Force(self, params, epsf, relativeScale=False, stepSizeCutoff=None)
Force(parameters, epsilon factor) -> list
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gradient_sens(self, params)
Return the gradient of the cost, d_cost/d_param as a KeyedList.
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gradient_log_params_sens(self, log_params)
Return the gradient of the cost wrt log parameters, d_cost/d_log_param as a KeyedList.
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Gets a dictionary of measured independent variables indexed by calculation from the ExperimentCollection and passes it to the CalculationCollection.
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Gets a dictionary of measured independent variables indexed by calculation from the ExperimentCollection and passes it to the CalculationCollection.
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ComputeInternalVariables(self, T=1) source code
compute_scale_factors(self, T)
Compute the scale factors for the current parameters and return a dict.
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_compute_sf_and_sfent_for_expt(self, expt, T) source code
_integral_theorytheory(self, var, theory_traj, uncert_traj, interval) source code
_integral_theorydata(self, var, theory_traj, data_traj, uncert_traj, interval) source code

Returns the scale factor derivatives w.r.t.
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jacobian_log_params_sens(self, log_params)
Return a KeyedList of the derivatives of the model residuals w.r.t.
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jacobian_sens(self, params)
Return a KeyedList of the derivatives of the model residuals w.r.t.
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jacobian_fd(self, params, eps, relativeScale=False, stepSizeCutoff=None)
Return a KeyedList of the derivatives of the model residuals w.r.t.
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Gets a dictionary of the sensitivities at the time points of the independent variables for the measured dependent variables for each calculation and experiment.
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Jacobian(self, params, epsf, relativeScale=False, stepSizeCutoff=None)
Finite difference the residual dictionary to get a dictionary for the Jacobian.
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GetJandJtJ(self, params) source code
GetJandJtJInLogParameters(self, params) source code
hessian_elem(self, func, f0, params, i, j, epsi, epsj, relativeScale, stepSizeCutoff, verbose)
Return the second partial derivative for func w.r.t.
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hessian(self, params, epsf, relativeScale=True, stepSizeCutoff=None, jacobian=None, verbose=False)
Returns the hessian of the model.
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hessian_log_params(self, params, eps, relativeScale=False, stepSizeCutoff=1e-6, verbose=False)
Returns the hessian of the model in log parameters.
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CalcHessianInLogParameters(self, params, eps, relativeScale=False, stepSizeCutoff=1e-6, verbose=False) source code
CalcHessian(self, params, epsf, relativeScale=True, stepSizeCutoff=None, jacobian=None, verbose=False)
Finite difference the residual dictionary to get a dictionary for the Hessian.
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CalcResidualResponseArray(self, j, h)
Calculate the Residual Response array.
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CalcParameterResponseToResidualArray(self, j, h)
Calculate the parameter response to residual array.
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SetExperimentCollection(self, exptColl) source code
get_expts(self) source code
set_var_optimizable(self, var, is_optimizable) source code
GetExperimentCollection(self) source code
SetCalculationCollection(self, calcColl) source code
get_calcs(self) source code
GetCalculationCollection(self) source code
GetScaleFactors(self) source code
GetResiduals(self) source code
GetCalculatedValues(self) source code
GetInternalVariables(self) source code
Class Variables [hide private]
  imag_cutoff = 1e-8
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, expts, calcs)

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expts  A sequence of Experiments to be fit to.
calcs  A sequence of calculation objects referred to by the 


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Get the initial conditions currently present in a model
for dynamic variables that are not assigned variables.

  KeyedList with keys (calcName,varName) --> initialValue

set_ICs(self, ics)

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Sets the initial conditions into the model. Uses the input
format defined by 'getICs'.

 ics -- Initial conditions to set in KeyedList form:
          keys: (calcName, varName) --> intialValue


_evaluate(self, params, T=1)

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Evaluate the cost for the model, returning the intermediate residuals,
and chi-squared.

(Summing up the residuals is a negligible amount of work. This 
 arrangment makes notification of observers much simpler.)

redchisq(self, params)

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Return chi-squared divided by the number of degrees of freedom

Question: Are priors to be included in the N data points?
          How do scale factors change the number of d.o.f.?

Force(self, params, epsf, relativeScale=False, stepSizeCutoff=None)

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Force(parameters, epsilon factor) -> list

Returns a list containing the numerical gradient of the cost with
respect to each parameter (in the parameter order of the
CalculationCollection). Each element of the gradient is:
    cost(param + eps) - cost(param - eps)/(2 * eps).
If relativeScale is False then epsf is the stepsize used (it should
already be multiplied by typicalValues before Jacobian is called)
If relativeScale is True then epsf is multiplied by params.
The two previous statements hold for both scalar and vector valued

gradient_sens(self, params)

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Return the gradient of the cost, d_cost/d_param as a KeyedList.

This method uses sensitivity integration, so it only applies to

gradient_log_params_sens(self, log_params)

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Return the gradient of the cost wrt log parameters, d_cost/d_log_param
as a KeyedList.

This method uses sensitivity integration, so it only applies to


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Gets a dictionary of measured independent variables indexed by 
calculation from the ExperimentCollection and passes it to the
CalculationCollection. The returned dictionary is of the form:
 dictionary[experiment][calculation][dependent variable]
           [independent variabled] -> calculated value.



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Gets a dictionary of measured independent variables indexed by
calculation from the ExperimentCollection and passes it to the
CalculationCollection. The returned dictionary is of the form:
 dictionary[experiment][calculation][dependent variable]
           [independent variabled][parameter] -> sensitivity.


compute_scale_factors(self, T)

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Compute the scale factors for the current parameters and return a dict.

The dictionary is of the form dict[exptId][varId] = scale_factor


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Returns the scale factor derivatives w.r.t. parameters
appropriate for each chemical in each
experiment, given the current parameters. The returned dictionary
is of the form: internalVarsDerivs['scaleFactors']                 = dict[experiment][chemical][parametername] -> derivative.


jacobian_log_params_sens(self, log_params)

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Return a KeyedList of the derivatives of the model residuals w.r.t.
the lograithms of the parameters parameters.

The method uses the sensitivity integration. As such, it will only
work with ReactionNetworks.

The KeyedList is of the form:
    kl.get(resId) = [dres/dlogp1, dres/dlogp2...]

jacobian_sens(self, params)

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Return a KeyedList of the derivatives of the model residuals w.r.t.

The method uses the sensitivity integration. As such, it will only
work with ReactionNetworks.

The KeyedList is of the form:
    kl[resId] = [dres/dp1, dres/dp2...]

jacobian_fd(self, params, eps, relativeScale=False, stepSizeCutoff=None)

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Return a KeyedList of the derivatives of the model residuals w.r.t.

The method uses finite differences.

 params -- Parameters about which to calculate the jacobian
 eps -- Step size to take, may be vector or scalar.
 relativeScale -- If true, the eps is taken to be the fractional
                  change in parameter to use in finite differences.
 stepSizeCutoff -- Minimum step size to take.


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Gets a dictionary of the sensitivities at the time points of
the independent variables for the measured dependent variables
for each calculation and experiment.
dictionary[(experiment,calculation,dependent variable,
independent variable)] -> result

result is a vector of length number of parameters containing
the sensitivity at that time point, in the order of the ordered


Jacobian(self, params, epsf, relativeScale=False, stepSizeCutoff=None)

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Finite difference the residual dictionary to get a dictionary
for the Jacobian. It will be indexed the same as the residuals.
Note: epsf is either a scalar or an array.
If relativeScale is False then epsf is the stepsize used (it should
already be multiplied by typicalValues before Jacobian is called)
If relativeScale is True then epsf is multiplied by params.
The two previous statements hold for both scalar and vector valued

hessian_elem(self, func, f0, params, i, j, epsi, epsj, relativeScale, stepSizeCutoff, verbose)

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Return the second partial derivative for func w.r.t. parameters i and j

f0: The value of the function at params
eps: Sets the stepsize to try
relativeScale: If True, step i is of size p[i] * eps, otherwise it is
stepSizeCutoff: The minimum stepsize to take

hessian(self, params, epsf, relativeScale=True, stepSizeCutoff=None, jacobian=None, verbose=False)

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Returns the hessian of the model.

epsf: Sets the stepsize to try
relativeScale: If True, step i is of size p[i] * eps, otherwise it is
stepSizeCutoff: The minimum stepsize to take
jacobian: If the jacobian is passed, it will be used to estimate
          the step size to take.
vebose: If True, a message will be printed with each hessian element

hessian_log_params(self, params, eps, relativeScale=False, stepSizeCutoff=1e-6, verbose=False)

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Returns the hessian of the model in log parameters.

eps: Sets the stepsize to try
relativeScale: If True, step i is of size p[i] * eps, otherwise it is
stepSizeCutoff: The minimum stepsize to take
vebose: If True, a message will be printed with each hessian element

CalcHessian(self, params, epsf, relativeScale=True, stepSizeCutoff=None, jacobian=None, verbose=False)

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Finite difference the residual dictionary to get a dictionary
for the Hessian. It will be indexed the same as the residuals.
Note: epsf is either a scalar or an array.
If relativeScale is False then epsf is the stepsize used (it should
already be multiplied by typicalValues before Jacobian is called)
If relativeScale is True then epsf is multiplied by params.
The two previous statements hold for both scalar and vector valued

CalcResidualResponseArray(self, j, h)

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Calculate the Residual Response array. This array represents the change
in a residual obtained by a finite change in a data value.

(self, j, h)
j -- jacobian matrix to use
h -- hessian matrix to use

response -- The response array

CalcParameterResponseToResidualArray(self, j, h)

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Calculate the parameter response to residual array. This array
represents the change in parameter resulting from a change in data

(self, j, h)
j -- jacobian matrix to use
h -- hessian matrix to use

response -- The response array