Package SloppyCell :: Package ExprManip :: Module Py2TeX
[hide private]

Module Py2TeX

source code

Functions [hide private]
dict2TeX(d, name_dict, lhs_form='%s', split_terms=False, simpleTeX=False) source code
expr2TeX(expr, name_dict={})
Return a TeX version of a python math expression.
source code
_ast2TeX(ast, outer=AST._FARTHEST_OUT, name_dict={}, adjust=0)
Return a TeX version of an AST.
source code
Variables [hide private]
  _EMPTY_MUL = Mul((None, None))

Imports: Slice, Const, Raise, For, AssTuple, Mul, Invert, RightShift, AssList, Add, Dict, flatten, UnaryAdd, Import, Print, Ellipsis, Sliceobj, Decorators, Subscript, Name, Node, Assert, Return, Power, Exec, CO_VARKEYWORDS, GenExprFor, Stmt, Or, Break, CO_VARARGS, Bitand, FloorDiv, Tuple, Bitxor, TryExcept, Not, nodes, EmptyNode, With, Class, Mod, Printnl, Function, TryFinally, GenExprIf, While, AssAttr, Keyword, GenExpr, Module, AugAssign, List, Yield, IfExp, AssName, From, Continue, Backquote, Discard, Div, Expression, Assign, Lambda, And, LeftShift, Compare, GenExprInner, CallFunc, Global, Getattr, ListCompIf, Sub, ListCompFor, flatten_nodes, Pass, UnarySub, Bitor, ListComp, If, os, AST

Function Details [hide private]

expr2TeX(expr, name_dict={})

source code 

Return a TeX version of a python math expression.

name_dict: A dictionary mapping variable names used in the expression to
    preferred TeX expressions.

_ast2TeX(ast, outer=AST._FARTHEST_OUT, name_dict={}, adjust=0)

source code 

Return a TeX version of an AST.

outer: The AST's 'parent' node, used to determine whether or not to 
    enclose the result in parentheses. The default of _FARTHEST_OUT will
    never enclose the result in parentheses.

name_dict: A dictionary mapping variable names used in the expression to
    preferred TeX expressions.

adjust: A numerical value to adjust the priority of this ast for
    particular cases. For example, the denominator of a '/' needs 
    parentheses in more cases than does the numerator.