Package SloppyCell :: Package ReactionNetworks :: Module Trajectory_mod
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Source Code for Module SloppyCell.ReactionNetworks.Trajectory_mod

  1  from __future__ import division 
  3  import logging 
  4  logger = logging.getLogger('RxnNets.Trajectory_mod') 
  6  import os 
  7  import copy 
  8  import types 
 10  import scipy 
 11  import 
 12  import scipy.interpolate 
 14  import SloppyCell.KeyedList_mod 
 15  KeyedList = SloppyCell.KeyedList_mod.KeyedList 
 16  import Network_mod 
 17  import SloppyCell.ExprManip as ExprManip 
19 -class Trajectory:
20 _known_structures = [] 21 _known_function_bodies = [] 22 _dynamic_funcs = ['_assignment', '_sens_assignment'] 23 # These are-predefined functions we want in our working namespace 24 _common_namespace = {'log': scipy.log, 25 'log10': scipy.log10, 26 'exp': scipy.exp, 27 'cos': scipy.cos, 28 'sin': scipy.sin, 29 'tan': scipy.tan, 30 'acos': scipy.arccos, 31 'asin': scipy.arcsin, 32 'atan': scipy.arctan, 33 'cosh': scipy.cosh, 34 'sinh': scipy.sinh, 35 'tanh': scipy.tanh, 36 'arccosh': scipy.arccosh, 37 'arcsinh': scipy.arcsinh, 38 'arctanh': scipy.arctanh, 39 'pow': scipy.power, 40 'sqrt': scipy.sqrt, 41 'exponentiale': scipy.e, 42 'pi': scipy.pi, 43 } 44
45 - def __init__(self, net, key_column=None, is_sens=False, holds_dt=False, 46 empty=False, const_vals=None):
47 if empty: 48 return 49 50 if key_column is not None: 51 self.key_column = key_column 52 else: 53 keys = net.dynamicVars.keys() + net.assignedVars.keys() 54 if is_sens: 55 keys.extend([(cname, pname) for cname in keys 56 for pname in net.optimizableVars.keys()]) 57 if holds_dt: 58 for keyname in copy.copy(keys): 59 if isinstance(keyname,str): 60 keys.append((keyname,'time')) 61 else: # key is a tuple 62 keys.append(keyname + ('time',)) 63 64 self.key_column = KeyedList(zip(keys, range(len(keys)))) 65 66 # These are the main storage 67 self.timepoints = scipy.zeros(0, scipy.float_) 68 self.values = scipy.zeros((0, len(self.key_column)), scipy.float_) 69 70 self.var_keys = net.variables.keys() 71 self.dynamicVarKeys = net.dynamicVars.keys() 72 self.assignedVarKeys = net.assignedVars.keys() 73 self.optimizableVarKeys = net.optimizableVars.keys() 74 75 # We do an 'evaluate_expr' here to take care of constant variables that 76 # are initialized by other variables 77 if const_vals is None: 78 self.const_var_values = KeyedList([(id, net.evaluate_expr(id)) for 79 id in net.constantVars.keys()]) 80 else: 81 self.const_var_values = KeyedList(zip(net.constantVars.keys(), 82 const_vals)) 83 84 self.typical_var_values = KeyedList([(id, var.typicalValue) 85 for (id, var) 86 in net.variables.items()]) 87 self.event_info = None 88 self.tcks = {} # need this to store the interpolation information 89 self.dytcks = {} # to store interpolated vector field info 90 91 # We make a copy of the Network's namespace. 92 self._func_strs = copy.copy(net._func_strs) 93 self.namespace = copy.copy(self._common_namespace) 94 for func_id, func_str in self._func_strs.items(): 95 self.namespace[func_id] = eval(func_str, self.namespace, {}) 96 97 # To avoid generating our function bodies every Trajectory creation, we 98 # keep a list of known structures in the class itself. 99 curr_structure = (net._last_structure, self.key_column, is_sens) 100 for ii, struct in enumerate(self._known_structures): 101 if curr_structure == struct: 102 (self._assignment_functionBody, 103 self._sens_assignment_functionBody) = \ 104 self._known_function_bodies[ii] 105 break 106 else: 107 # We didn't find our our structure, so we have to make the function 108 # bodies. We don't want to make the sensitivity body unless we have 109 # to. 110 self._assignment_functionBody = self._make__assignment(net) 111 if is_sens: 112 self._sens_assignment_functionBody =\ 113 self._make__sens_assignment(net) 114 115 self._known_structures.append(copy.deepcopy(curr_structure)) 116 bodies = (self._assignment_functionBody, 117 getattr(self, '_sens_assignment_functionBody', None)) 118 self._known_function_bodies.append(bodies)
120 - def __len__(self):
121 return len(self.timepoints)
123 - def __getitem__(self, this_slice):
124 # XXX: This is very memory ineffcient. A whole copy is made and then 125 # items discarded. Should really fix this. 126 new_traj = copy.deepcopy(self) 127 if not isinstance(this_slice, slice): 128 # This is generally just the case where we have a single index. 129 this_slice = slice(this_slice, this_slice+1, None) 130 new_traj.timepoints = self.timepoints[this_slice] 131 new_traj.values = self.values[this_slice] 132 133 # XXX: For now just clear out the interoplating info. This could 134 # be handled cleanly in the future 135 if self.tcks or new_traj.dytcks: 136 logger.warn('Interpolating functions must be recreated after ' 137 'slicing a trajectory. Could be fixed.') 138 new_traj.tcks = {} 139 new_traj.dytcks = {} 140 141 return new_traj
143 - def time_slice(self, start, stop, eps=1e-6):
144 """ 145 Return a new trajectory containing only times from start to stop. 146 """ 147 start_index = self._get_time_index(start, eps) 148 stop_index = self._get_time_index(stop, eps) 149 return self[start_index:stop_index+1]
151 - def keys(self):
152 return self.var_keys
154 - def get_times(self):
155 return self.timepoints
157 - def add_event_info(self, net, eventinfo, time_traj_ended, include_extra_event_info = False):
158 """ 159 Add information about the network state at each event execution 160 """ 161 162 # if include_assigned_vals is True, then append a 4th item to 163 # the eventinfo tuple that contains the values of the assigned 164 # vars in the network, evaluated at each event state 165 166 if include_extra_event_info == True: 167 (te, ye_pre, ye_post, ie) = eventinfo 168 assigned_states = [] 169 prev_vals = net.get_var_vals() 170 for t, y, ii in zip(te, ye_pre, ie): 171 net.updateVariablesFromDynamicVars(y, t) 172 a_ids = [id for id in net.assignedVars.keys()] 173 a_vals = [net.get_var_val(id) for id in net.assignedVars.keys()] 174 # we store the assigned variables in a dictionary for easy retrieval later 175 a_state = dict(zip(a_ids,a_vals)) 176 assigned_states.append(a_state) 177 net.set_var_vals(prev_vals, time_traj_ended) 178 eventinfo = (te,ye_pre,ye_post,ie,assigned_states) 179 180 # the information is a triple (te,ye,ie), or a quintuple 181 # if include_extra_event_info is True 182 self.event_info = eventinfo
183 184 185
186 - def append(self, other):
187 if self.key_column != other.key_column: 188 raise ValueError, 'Trajectories in append have different column keys!' 189 if self.const_var_values != other.const_var_values: 190 logger.warn('Constant variable values differ between appended trajectories!') 191 192 if self.timepoints[-1] > other.timepoints[0]: 193 logger.warn('Appending trajectory with earlier timepoints!') 194 195 self.timepoints = scipy.concatenate((self.timepoints, other.timepoints)) 196 self.values = scipy.concatenate((self.values, other.values))
198 - def get_var_typical_val(self, id):
199 return self.typical_var_values.get(id)
201 - def get_var_traj(self, id):
202 if self.key_column.has_key(id): 203 return self.values[:, self.key_column.get(id)] 204 elif self.const_var_values.has_key(id): 205 return scipy.ones(len(self.timepoints), scipy.float_) *\ 206 self.const_var_values.get(id) 207 elif id == 'time': 208 return self.get_times() 209 else: 210 raise ValueError, 'Variable %s not found in trajectory.' % str(id)
212 - def _get_time_index(self, time, eps=1e-6):
213 """ 214 Return the index of the stored value closest to the requested time. 215 216 Prints a warning if the difference between the requested time and the 217 stored time is greater than a fraction eps of the trajectory length. 218 """ 219 index = scipy.argmin(abs(self.timepoints - time)) 220 time_range = self.timepoints[-1] - self.timepoints[0] 221 if abs(self.timepoints[index] - time)/time_range > eps: 222 logger.warn('Time %f requested, closest time stored in trajectory ' 223 'is %f.' % (time, self.timepoints[index])) 224 return index
226 - def get_var_vals(self, time, eps=1e-6):
227 """ 228 Return a KeyedList of the values of the trajectory's variables at the 229 given time. 230 231 Prints a warning if the difference between the requested time and the 232 stored time is greater than a fraction eps of the trajectory length. 233 """ 234 index = self._get_time_index(time, eps) 235 return self.get_var_vals_index(index)
237 - def get_var_val(self, var_id, time, eps=1e-6):
238 """ 239 Return the value of the given variable at the given time. 240 241 Prints a warning if the difference between the requested time and the 242 stored time is greater than a fraction eps of the trajectory length. 243 """ 244 index = self._get_time_index(time, eps) 245 return self.get_var_val_index(var_id, index)
247 - def get_var_vals_index(self, index):
248 """ 249 Return a KeyedList of the values of the trajectory's variables at the 250 given index. 251 """ 252 out = KeyedList([(key, self.get_var_val_index(key, index)) for 253 key in ['time'] + self.keys()]) 254 return out
256 - def get_var_val_index(self, var_id, index):
257 """ 258 Return the value of the given variable at the given index. 259 """ 260 if self.key_column.has_key(var_id): 261 col = self.key_column.get(var_id) 262 return self.values[index, col] 263 elif self.const_var_values.has_key(var_id): 264 return self.const_var_values.get(var_id) 265 elif var_id == 'time': 266 return self.timepoints[index]
268 - def get_dynvar_vals_index(self, index):
269 """ 270 Return a KeyedList of the values of the trajectory's dynamic variables 271 at the given index. 272 """ 273 out = KeyedList([(key, self.get_var_val_index(key, index)) for 274 key in self.dynamicVarKeys]) 275 return out
277 - def get_dynvar_vals(self, time, eps=1e-6):
278 """ 279 Return a KeyedList of the values of the trajectory's dynamic variables 280 at the given time. 281 282 Prints a warning if the difference between the requested time and the 283 stored time is greater than a fraction eps of the trajectory length. 284 """ 285 index = self._get_time_index(time, eps) 286 return self.get_dynvar_vals_index(index)
288 - def _make__assignment(self, net):
289 functionBody = ['def _assignment(self, values, times, start, end):'] 290 291 for id in self.const_var_values.keys(): 292 functionBody.append("%s = self.const_var_values.get('%s')" % 293 (id, id)) 294 295 if len(net.assignmentRules) > 0: 296 for id, rule in net.assignmentRules.items(): 297 lhs = self._sub_var_names(id) 298 #rhs = net.substituteFunctionDefinitions(rule) 299 rhs = self._sub_var_names(rule) 300 functionBody.append('# Assignment rule %s = %s' % (id, rule)) 301 functionBody.append('%s = %s' % (lhs, rhs)) 302 else: 303 functionBody.append('pass') 304 305 return '\n\t'.join(functionBody) + '\n'
307 - def _make__sens_assignment(self, net):
308 functionBody = ['def _sens_assignment(self, values, times, start, end):' 309 ] 310 311 for id in self.const_var_values.keys(): 312 functionBody.append("%s = self.const_var_values.get('%s')" % 313 (id, id)) 314 315 if len(net.assignmentRules) > 0: 316 for id, rule in net.assignmentRules.items(): 317 #rule = net.substituteFunctionDefinitions(rule) 318 derivWRTdv = {} 319 for wrtId in net.dynamicVars.keys(): 320 deriv = net.takeDerivative(rule, wrtId) 321 if deriv != '0': 322 derivWRTdv[wrtId] = deriv 323 324 for optId in net.optimizableVars.keys(): 325 lhs = self._sub_var_names('%s__derivWRT__%s' % (id,optId)) 326 rhs = [] 327 # get derivative of assigned variable w.r.t. 328 # dynamic variables 329 for wrtId, deriv in derivWRTdv.items(): 330 rhs.append('(%s) * %s__derivWRT__%s' % 331 (deriv, wrtId, optId)) 332 333 # now partial derivative w.r.t. optId 334 derivWRTp = net.takeDerivative(rule, optId) 335 if derivWRTp != '0': 336 rhs.append(derivWRTp) 337 338 if rhs: 339 rhs = ' + '.join(rhs) 340 rhs = self._sub_var_names(rhs) 341 functionBody.append('%s = %s' % (lhs, rhs)) 342 else: 343 functionBody.append('pass') 344 345 return '\n\t'.join(functionBody) + '\n'
347 - def appendFromODEINT(self, timepoints, odeint_array, holds_dt = False):
348 if getattr(self, '_assignment', None) is None: 349 Network_mod._exec_dynamic_func(self, '_assignment', 350 self.namespace, bind=False) 351 352 numAdded = odeint_array.shape[0] 353 addedValues = scipy.zeros((numAdded, len(self.key_column)), 354 scipy.float_) 355 356 self.values = scipy.concatenate((self.values, addedValues)) 357 self.timepoints = scipy.concatenate((self.timepoints, timepoints)) 358 359 for ii, id in enumerate(self.dynamicVarKeys): 360 self.values[-numAdded:, self.key_column.get(id)] =\ 361 odeint_array[:, ii] 362 363 self._assignment(self.values, self.timepoints, -numAdded, None) 364 if holds_dt : 365 for ii, id in enumerate(self.dynamicVarKeys) : 366 self.values[-numAdded:, self.key_column.get((id,'time'))] = \ 367 odeint_array[:,ii+len(self.dynamicVarKeys)]
369 - def appendSensFromODEINT(self, timepoints, odeint_array, holds_dt = False):
370 if getattr(self, '_assignment', None) is None: 371 Network_mod._exec_dynamic_func(self, '_assignment', 372 self.namespace, bind=False) 373 374 if getattr(self, '_sens_assignment', None) is None: 375 Network_mod._exec_dynamic_func(self, '_sens_assignment', 376 self.namespace, bind=False) 377 378 numAdded = odeint_array.shape[0] 379 addedValues = scipy.zeros((numAdded, len(self.key_column)), 380 scipy.float_) 381 382 self.values = scipy.concatenate((self.values, addedValues)) 383 self.timepoints = scipy.concatenate((self.timepoints, timepoints)) 384 385 nDv = len(self.dynamicVarKeys) 386 nOv = len(self.optimizableVarKeys) 387 388 # fill in trajectory 389 for ii, dvId in enumerate(self.dynamicVarKeys): 390 self.values[-numAdded:, self.key_column.get(dvId)] = \ 391 odeint_array[:, ii] 392 # ... and sensitivities 393 for ii, dvId in enumerate(self.dynamicVarKeys): 394 for jj, ovId in enumerate(self.optimizableVarKeys): 395 self.values[-numAdded:, 396 self.key_column.get((dvId, ovId))]\ 397 = odeint_array[:, ii + (jj+1)*nDv] 398 399 self._assignment(self.values, self.timepoints, -numAdded, None) 400 self._sens_assignment(self.values, self.timepoints, -numAdded, None) 401 402 if holds_dt : 403 # fill in the time derivative of the trajectory 404 for ii, dvId in enumerate(self.dynamicVarKeys): 405 self.values[-numAdded:, self.key_column.get((dvId,'time'))] = \ 406 odeint_array[:, ii + nDv*(nOv+1)] 407 # ... and of the sensitivities 408 for ii, dvId in enumerate(self.dynamicVarKeys): 409 for jj, ovId in enumerate(self.optimizableVarKeys): 410 self.values[-numAdded:, 411 self.key_column.get((dvId, ovId,'time'))]\ 412 = odeint_array[:, ii + (jj+1)*nDv + nDv*(nOv+1)]
414 - def copy_subset(self, keys=None):
415 """ 416 Return a copy of this trajectory containing only the variables specified 417 in keys. 418 419 If keys is None, all variables are included. 420 """ 421 if keys == None: 422 keys = self.key_column.keys() 423 424 state = self.__getstate__() 425 426 # Only need those keys that are stored in the values array. The 427 # rest will be copied easily. 428 keys = [key for key in keys if self.key_column.has_key(key)] 429 new_key_column = KeyedList(zip(keys, range(len(keys)))) 430 state['key_column'] = new_key_column 431 432 new_values = scipy.zeros((len(self.values), len(new_key_column)), 433 scipy.float_) 434 for key, new_col in new_key_column.items(): 435 old_col = self.values[:, self.key_column.get(key)] 436 new_values[:, new_col] = old_col.copy() 437 state['values'] = new_values 438 439 new_traj = Trajectory(None, empty=True) 440 new_traj.__setstate__(state) 441 return new_traj
443 - def __getstate__(self):
444 odict = copy.copy(self.__dict__) 445 odict['_assignment'] = None 446 odict['_sens_assignment'] = None 447 odict['namespace'] = None 448 return odict
450 - def __setstate__(self, newdict):
451 self.__dict__.update(newdict) 452 # Remake our namespace 453 self.namespace = copy.copy(self._common_namespace) 454 for func_id, func_str in self._func_strs.items(): 455 self.namespace[func_id] = eval(func_str, self.namespace, {})
457 - def _sub_var_names(self, input):
458 mapping_dict = {} 459 for id in ExprManip.extract_vars(input): 460 # convert it back to something key_column will recognize 461 # had to use a form dynVarName__derivWRT__optParamName for the 462 # sensitivity variable because otherwise, 463 # extract_vars gets confused 464 splitId = id.split('__derivWRT__') 465 if len(splitId) == 1: 466 idname = splitId[0] 467 elif len(splitId) == 2: 468 idname = tuple(splitId) 469 else: 470 raise 'Problem with id %s in Trajectory._sub_var_names' % id 471 472 if idname in self.key_column.keys(): 473 mapping = 'values[start:end, %i]' % self.key_column.get(idname) 474 elif idname in self.const_var_values.keys(): 475 # Don't substitute for constant variable names. Those will 476 # be taken care of earlier in the method. 477 continue 478 elif idname == 'time': 479 mapping = 'times[start:end]' 480 else: 481 raise 'Problem with idname %s in Trajectory._sub_var_names' % id 482 mapping_dict[id] = mapping 483 484 input = ExprManip.sub_for_vars(input, mapping_dict) 485 486 return input
488 - def build_interpolated_traj(self) :
489 """ Given that a trajectory exists, build_interpolated_traj will create 490 the coefficients for the spline interpolatation. 491 The spline can then be evaluated using 492 Trajectory.evaluate_interpolated_traj or 493 Trajectory.evaluate_interpolated_trajs """ 494 te,ye,ie = self.event_info[:3] 495 teIndices = [] 496 497 if len(te) == 0 : # no events 498 intervals = [(0,len(self.timepoints))] 499 else : 500 # At an event there are two time points in the trajectory that 501 # are the same (=tevent) but we want the second one 502 last_t = -1 503 for tevent in te : 504 if tevent != last_t: 505 teIndices.append(scipy.nonzero(self.timepoints==tevent)[0][1]) 506 last_t = tevent 507 508 # don't expect there to be an event at 0, if there is this will be 509 # messed up 510 teIndicesWith0 = list(teIndices[0:]) 511 teIndicesWith0.insert(0,0) 512 # put in the last time point as well, again a problem if there's an 513 # event at the last time 514 teIndices.extend([len(self.timepoints)]) 515 intervals = zip(teIndicesWith0,teIndices) 516 517 self.tcks = {} 518 519 for (start_ind,end_ind) in intervals : 520 start_time, end_time = self.timepoints[start_ind], \ 521 self.timepoints[end_ind-1] 522 curTimes = self.timepoints[start_ind:end_ind] 523 k = min(5,end_ind-start_ind-1) 524 ys = [self.get_var_traj(dv_id)[start_ind:end_ind] 525 for dv_id in self.key_column.keys()] 526 527 self.tcks[(start_time,end_time)] = [scipy.interpolate.splrep(curTimes,scipy.asarray(y),k=k,s=0) for y in ys]
528 529 #return self.tcks # do we want to return this? 530
531 - def evaluate_interpolated_trajs(self,time,subinterval,der=0) :
532 """ 533 This is a version of evaluate_interpolated_traj that returns all the 534 values of the dynamic variables and requires you to pass in the 535 appropriate subinterval between events (that can be found in 536 Trajectory.tcks.keys() ) 537 Faster than calling evaluate_interpolated_traj repeatedly 538 """ 539 local_tcks = self.tcks 540 541 nDVs = len(self.dynamicVarKeys) 542 dv_y = [scipy.interpolate.splev(time, local_tcks[subinterval][dv_ind], 543 der=der) for dv_ind in range(0,nDVs)] 544 545 return dv_y
547 - def evaluate_interpolated_traj(self,dv_id,time,subinterval=None,der=0) :
548 """ Needs Trajectory.build_interpolated_traj() to be called first 549 550 Arguments: 551 dvid the name of the component of the trajectory you wish to 552 evaluate 553 time a vector of times or a scalar 554 subinterval an optional argument specifying the time interval 555 between events that the time argument lies (but given a 556 valid time, it will be found automatically) 557 der the derivative of the spline function you want, the order 558 of the derivative will be constrained by the order of the 559 interpolated spline 560 Outputs: 561 A single scalar value (if time input is a scalar) 562 or 563 (returned_times, interpolated_trajectory at those times) if times is a 564 vector 565 566 Note: It is necessary to have a returned_times argument too, in case 567 the times passed in happens to have a timepoint that corresponds 568 to an event time, which often has two trajectory values associated 569 with it. 570 """ 571 if scipy.isscalar(time) : 572 time = scipy.asarray([time]) # if a scalar was passed in, convert to an array 573 else : 574 time = scipy.asarray(time) 575 local_tcks = self.tcks 576 sorted_intervals = scipy.sort(local_tcks.keys(),axis=0) 577 578 if subinterval is not None : # confine things to just one interval 579 if subinterval not in local_tcks.keys() : 580 raise "Not a valid subinterval (not in Trajectory.tcks.keys())" 581 else : 582 sorted_intervals = [[subinterval[0],subinterval[1]]] 583 interval_start_ind = 0 584 interval_end_ind = 0 585 else : 586 # sorted_intervals ends up being a list of lists, each length 2, not tuples anymore 587 for interval_ind, interval in enumerate(sorted_intervals) : 588 start_time, end_time = interval[0],interval[1] 589 if (time[0] >= start_time) : 590 interval_start_ind = interval_ind 591 if (time[-1] <= end_time) : 592 interval_end_ind = interval_ind 593 break 594 595 dv_y = [] 596 returned_times = [] 597 dv_ind = self.key_column.keyToIndex[dv_id] 598 for interval in sorted_intervals[interval_start_ind:(interval_end_ind+1)] : 599 currTimes = scipy.compress( scipy.logical_and((time>=interval[0]),(time<=interval[1])) , time ) 600 startslice, endslice = 0, None 601 if len(currTimes) > 1 : 602 if (currTimes[0]==currTimes[1]) : 603 # skip the first time point because it's repeated 604 startslice = 1 605 if (currTimes[-1]==currTimes[-2]) : 606 # skip the last time point because it's repeated 607 endslice = -1 608 dv_y.extend( scipy.interpolate.splev(currTimes[startslice:endslice], 609 local_tcks[(interval[0],interval[1])][dv_ind],der=der) ) 610 returned_times.extend(currTimes[startslice:endslice]) 611 elif len(currTimes) == 1: # explicitly check, because len(currTimes) could = 0 612 dv_y.extend( [ scipy.interpolate.splev(currTimes, local_tcks[(interval[0],interval[1])][dv_ind],der=der) ]) 613 returned_times.extend(currTimes[startslice:endslice]) 614 615 if len(returned_times) == 1 : 616 return dv_y[0] 617 else : 618 return returned_times,dv_y
620 - def to_file(self, file_name, out_vars=None, separator=', '):
621 """ 622 Output the given variables to a file. 623 624 file_name Name of the file to use for output (will be overwritten!) 625 out_vars List of variable ids ot output. If None, default is 626 'time', dynamic variables 627 separator The separator to use between columns. 628 """ 629 if out_vars is None: 630 out_vars = ['time'] + self.dynamicVarKeys 631 632 first_line = separator.join(out_vars) + os.linesep 633 f = file(file_name, 'w') 634 f.write(first_line) 635 636 out_array = [] 637 for var in out_vars: 638 out_array.append(self.get_var_traj(var)) 639 640 out_array = scipy.transpose(out_array) 641 f =, out_array, separator=separator, 642 keep_open=True) 643 f.close()
644 645 646 # Deprecated
647 - def last_dynamic_var_values(self):
648 """ 649 Return a list of the dynamic variable values at the last timepoint in 650 the trajectory. 651 """ 652 return [self.values[-1, self.key_column.get(dv_id)] for dv_id in 653 self.dynamicVarKeys]
654 655 getVariableTrajectory = get_var_traj 656 657 try: 658 import psyco 659 psyco.bind(scipy.interpolate.splrep) 660 psyco.bind(scipy.interpolate.splev) 661 psyco.bind(evaluate_interpolated_trajs) 662 psyco.bind(evaluate_interpolated_traj) 663 except ImportError: 664 pass