1 import scipy, copy
2 import SloppyCell.Utility
3 load = SloppyCell.Utility.load
4 save = SloppyCell.Utility.save
5 import SloppyCell.ReactionNetworks.Dynamics as Dynamics
7 try:
8 import SloppyCell.Plotting as Plotting
9 except ImportError:
10 pass
12 -def setup(paramfile,calcobject,senstrajfile,jtjfile) :
13 """ Set up the quantities necessary to run the optimal design
14 algorithms. NOTE: This function needs to be called first
15 before any of the optimal design functions can be called.
17 paramfile: the name of a pickled file containing the
18 best fit parameters in KeyedList format
19 calcobject: the calculation object for which we are doing the
20 optimal design. (Note that in general, may be searching a
21 design over many different calculations, but here we only
22 consider one. Thus, we set design_sentraj equal to senstraj)
23 senstrajfile: the name of the file containing the pickled
24 sensitivity trajectory for the calculation, calcobject,
25 for the set of parameters in paramfile.
26 jtjfile: the name of the file containing the pickled Fisher
27 Information Matrix (J^t J) for the current set of data and
28 for the parameters in paramfile.
29 NOTE: The derivatives computed for J^tJ need to be with respect
30 to the *log* of the parameters
31 """
32 import OptDesign as v
33 v.curp = load(paramfile)
34 v.jtj = load(jtjfile)
35 v.clc = calcobject
36 v.senstraj = load(senstrajfile)
37 v.design_senstraj = v.senstraj
38 v.p_names_ordered = v.curp.keys()
39 v.jtjdict = {}
40 for pindex1,pname1 in enumerate(v.p_names_ordered) :
41 for pindex2,pname2 in enumerate(v.p_names_ordered) :
42 v.jtjdict[(pname1,pname2)] = v.jtj[pindex1][pindex2]
44 v.ovvarnames = v.clc.optimizableVars.keys()
45 v.jtjtrunc = scipy.zeros((len(v.ovvarnames),len(v.ovvarnames)),scipy.float_)
52 for pindex1,pname1 in enumerate(v.ovvarnames) :
53 for pindex2,pname2 in enumerate(v.ovvarnames) :
54 v.jtjtrunc[pindex1][pindex2] = v.jtjdict[(pname1,pname2)]
58 """ Make the sensitivity trajectory for the calculation
59 calcoject (same as in setup(...) above).
60 params: parameters as a KeyedList, sensitivity traj is
61 calculated at these parameters (should be same as in paramfile
62 in setup(...) above)
63 times: the timepoints in the sensitivity trajectory (1-d array)
64 senstrajfilename: the file to save the sensitivity trajectory to
66 Note that if times is very finely spaced, the
67 sensitivity trajectory will need a lot of storage space """
68 senstraj = Dynamics.integrate_sensitivity(calcobject, times, params, 1.0e-6)
69 save(senstraj,senstrajfilename)
72 """
73 chemnames = list of unmeasurable chemicals
74 designchemnames = list of measurable chemicals
75 logprior = prior on params, e.g. logprior = log(1000.0) means
76 parameter standard deviation will be less than a factor of 1000.0
78 Out of the list chemnames, find the best chemical and
79 best time point, that most reduces the integrated variance
80 over designchemnames """
81 times = design_senstraj.timepoints
82 trunc_times = [times[i] for i in scipy.arange(0,len(times),1)]
83 best_change = 0.0
84 best_chem = "None"
85 best_time = "None"
86 for dchemname in designchemnames :
87 print "On design chemical ", dchemname
88 for t in trunc_times :
89 sensvect_design = get_sens_vect(dchemname,t)
92 maxval = max(design_senstraj.get_var_traj(dchemname)) + 1.0
93 sensvect_design = sensvect_design/(.1*maxval)
94 intvar_change = integrated_var_change(chemnames,sensvect_design,logprior)
95 tot_change = 0.0
96 for id in chemnames :
97 tot_change = tot_change + intvar_change[id]
98 if tot_change < best_change :
99 best_change = tot_change
100 best_chem = dchemname
101 best_time = t
102 return best_change, best_chem, best_time
105 """
106 sensvect : a sensitivity vector (length = # of params) of
107 unmeasurable quantity of interest
108 designchemnames : list of measurable chemicals
110 sensvect could be the sensitivity of a single chemical at a
111 single timepoint; then can use method get_sens_vect (see elsewhere
112 in this file) to compute this sensitivity vector. In that
113 case we are designing over the species variance at that single point
114 """
115 times = senstraj.timepoints
116 trunc_times = [times[i] for i in scipy.arange(0,len(times),5)]
117 best_change = 0.0
118 best_chem = "None"
119 best_time = "None"
120 for dchemname in designchemnames :
121 for t in trunc_times :
122 sensvect_design = get_sens_vect(dchemname,t)
123 var_change = single_variance_change(sensvect,sensvect_design,logprior)
124 if var_change < best_change :
125 best_change = var_change
126 best_chem = dchemname
127 best_time = t
128 return best_change, best_chem, best_time
131 """ chemnames : list of chemical names for which the
132 variance at all timepoints will be computed
133 logprior : prior on parameters. logprior = log(1000.0)
134 means params allowed to vary by about a factor of 1000.0
135 return values :
136 times: times of the trajectory
137 bestfit: a dictionary of best fit trajectories (keys are entries in chemnames)
138 var: a dictionary of variances (keys are entries in chemnames)
139 """
141 times = senstraj.timepoints
142 jtjinv = scipy.linalg.inv(jtjtrunc+1.0/logprior**2*scipy.eye(
143 len(jtjtrunc),len(jtjtrunc)))
144 var = {}
145 bestfit = {}
146 optvarkeys = clc.optimizableVars.keys()
147 first = optvarkeys[0]
148 last = optvarkeys[-1]
149 for name in chemnames :
150 var[name] = []
151 bestfit[name] = []
152 chemindex = senstraj.key_column.get(name)
153 index1sens = senstraj.key_column.get((name,first))
154 index2sens = senstraj.key_column.get((name,last))
155 sensarray_this_chem = copy.copy(senstraj.values[:,index1sens:(index2sens+1)])
157 for j, pname in enumerate(ovvarnames) :
158 sensarray_this_chem[:,j] = sensarray_this_chem[:,j]*curp.get(pname)
160 tmp = scipy.dot(sensarray_this_chem,jtjinv)
161 for i in range(len(tmp[:,0])) :
162 var[name].append(scipy.dot(tmp[i,:],sensarray_this_chem[i,:]))
164 bestfit[name] = senstraj.values[:,chemindex]
165 var[name] = scipy.asarray(var[name])
166 return times, bestfit, var
169 """ Same as above except the variances are now on the
170 logs of the chemicals trajectories.
171 """
173 times = senstraj.timepoints
174 jtjinv = scipy.linalg.inv(jtjtrunc+1.0/logprior**2*scipy.eye(
175 len(jtjtrunc),len(jtjtrunc)))
176 var = {}
177 bestfit = {}
178 optvarkeys = clc.optimizableVars.keys()
179 first = optvarkeys[0]
180 last = optvarkeys[-1]
181 for name in chemnames :
182 var[name] = []
183 bestfit[name] = []
184 chemindex = senstraj.key_column.get(name)
185 index1sens = senstraj.key_column.get((name,first))
186 index2sens = senstraj.key_column.get((name,last))
187 sensarray_this_chem = copy.copy(senstraj.values[:,index1sens:(index2sens+1)])
188 traj_this_chem = copy.copy(senstraj.values[:,chemindex])
189 for j, pname in enumerate(ovvarnames) :
190 sensarray_this_chem[:,j] = sensarray_this_chem[:,j]*curp.get(pname)
193 for i in range(len(times)) :
194 sensarray_this_chem[i,:] = sensarray_this_chem[i,:]/(traj_this_chem[i]+1.0e-6)
196 tmp = scipy.dot(sensarray_this_chem,jtjinv)
197 for i in range(len(tmp[:,0])) :
198 var[name].append(scipy.dot(tmp[i,:],sensarray_this_chem[i,:]))
200 bestfit[name] = senstraj.values[:,chemindex]
201 var[name] = scipy.asarray(var[name])
202 return times,bestfit,var
205 """ Get the variance for a single function of parameters
206 that has a sensitivity vector sensvect. Useful for looking at
207 variances in parameter combinations, or simple functions of
208 parameters. Note that if we are concerned with ratios and
209 products of parameters, it's often best to consider sensvect
210 as a sensitivity w.r.t. log parameters """
211 jtjinv = scipy.linalg.inv(jtjtrunc+1.0/logprior**2*scipy.eye(
212 len(jtjtrunc),len(jtjtrunc)))
213 tmp = scipy.dot(jtjinv,sensvect)
214 var = scipy.dot(sensvect,tmp)
215 return var
218 """
219 chemnames : list of chemical names at which we will look
220 at variance
221 sensvect_design : the sensitivity vector (one by no. params array) at
222 the new design point.
223 returns : (times, varchange)
224 the times and the change in variances at those times (should
225 be negative) for each of the chemicals in chemnames, after the
226 addition of the new timepoint. varchange is a dictionary
227 indexed by entries in chemnames.
228 """
229 times = senstraj.timepoints
230 n = len(jtjtrunc)
231 jtjinv = scipy.linalg.inv(jtjtrunc+1.0/logprior**2*scipy.eye(n,n))
234 jtjinv_design = scipy.dot(jtjinv,sensvect_design)
237 denominator = 1.0 + scipy.dot(sensvect_design,jtjinv_design)
239 varchange = {}
240 optvarkeys = clc.optimizableVars.keys()
241 first = optvarkeys[0]
242 last = optvarkeys[-1]
243 for name in chemnames :
244 varchange[name] = []
245 chemindex = senstraj.key_column.get(name)
246 index1sens = senstraj.key_column.get((name,first))
247 index2sens = senstraj.key_column.get((name,last))
248 sensarray_this_chem = copy.copy(senstraj.values[:,index1sens:(index2sens+1)])
249 for j, pname in enumerate(ovvarnames) :
250 sensarray_this_chem[:,j] = sensarray_this_chem[:,j]*curp.get(pname)
252 product = scipy.dot(sensarray_this_chem,jtjinv_design)
255 varchange[name] = -scipy.asarray(product**2/denominator)
257 return times, varchange
260 """
261 sensvect : given a single function f(p) of parameters, this is the
262 derivative w.r.t. each of the parameters (in log parameters). For
263 ratios or products of rate constants, f(p) is a linear function
264 sensvect_design : the sensitivity vector of the new point in the
265 design you wish to add
266 returns: the variance change of the quantity f(p), given the
267 addition of the new data point, with sensitivity vector sensvect_design.
268 """
269 n = len(jtjtrunc)
270 jtjinv = scipy.linalg.inv(jtjtrunc+1.0/logprior**2*scipy.eye(n,n))
272 jtjinv_design = scipy.dot(jtjinv,sensvect_design)
273 denominator = 1.0 + scipy.dot(sensvect_design,jtjinv_design)
274 product = scipy.dot(sensvect,jtjinv_design)
275 return -product**2/denominator
278 """ get a sensitivity vector for a chemical "chemname" at a
279 time, time """
280 tindex = design_senstraj._get_time_index(time,1.0e-4)
281 optvarkeys = clc.optimizableVars.keys()
282 first = optvarkeys[0]
283 last = optvarkeys[-1]
284 index1sens = design_senstraj.key_column.get((chemname,first))
285 index2sens = design_senstraj.key_column.get((chemname,last))
286 sens_vect = copy.copy(
287 design_senstraj.values[tindex,index1sens:(index2sens+1)])
288 for j, pname in enumerate(ovvarnames) :
289 sens_vect[j] = sens_vect[j]*curp.get(pname)
290 return sens_vect
293 """ get an array of sens_vects for all the times the chemical is defined
294 and convert to log sensitivities """
295 optvarkeys = clc.optimizableVars.keys()
296 first = optvarkeys[0]
297 last = optvarkeys[-1]
298 chemindex = design_senstraj.key_column.get(chemname)
299 index1sens = design_senstraj.key_column.get((chemname,first))
300 index2sens = design_senstraj.key_column.get((chemname,last))
301 sensarray_this_chem = copy.copy(
302 design_senstraj.values[:,index1sens:(index2sens+1)])
303 for j, pname in enumerate(ovvarnames) :
304 sensarray_this_chem[:,j] = sensarray_this_chem[:,j]*curp.get(pname)
305 return sensarray_this_chem
308 times, varchange = variance_change(chemnames,sensvect_design,logprior)
309 int_varchange = {}
310 for name in varchange.keys() :
311 int_varchange[name] = scipy.integrate.simps(varchange[name],times)
313 return int_varchange
316 """ This is similar to var_change except now we pass in a sensarray
317 instead of sensvect --- this is a matrix of sensvects aligned rowwise.
318 Row i will be multiplied by sqrt(weights[i]) where sum(weights)=1 and
319 each weight is a number between zero and one. We will return the
320 change in variance for all the chemicals in chemnames """
324 times = senstraj.timepoints
325 ntimes = len(times)
326 k,n = sensarray_design.shape
327 jtjinv = scipy.linalg.inv(jtjtrunc+1.0/logprior**2*scipy.eye(n,n))
328 Vt = scipy.zeros((k,n),scipy.float_)
329 for i in range(k) :
330 Vt[i,:] = scipy.sqrt(weights[i])*sensarray_design[i,:]
331 design_jtjinv = scipy.dot(Vt,jtjinv)
334 denominator = scipy.eye(k,k) + \
335 scipy.dot(design_jtjinv,scipy.transpose(Vt))
336 inv_denom = scipy.linalg.inv(denominator)
338 varchange = {}
339 optvarkeys = clc.optimizableVars.keys()
340 first = optvarkeys[0]
341 last = optvarkeys[-1]
342 for name in chemnames :
343 varchange[name] = []
344 chemindex = senstraj.key_column.get(name)
345 index1sens = senstraj.key_column.get((name,first))
346 index2sens = senstraj.key_column.get((name,last))
347 sensarray_this_chem = copy.copy(senstraj.values[:,index1sens:(index2sens+1)])
348 for j, pname in enumerate(ovvarnames) :
349 sensarray_this_chem[:,j] = sensarray_this_chem[:,j]*curp.get(pname)
351 product = scipy.dot(design_jtjinv,
352 scipy.transpose(sensarray_this_chem))
355 for j in range(ntimes) :
356 quadprod = scipy.dot(product[:,j],inv_denom)
357 quadprod = scipy.dot(quadprod,product[:,j])
358 varchange[name].append(-quadprod)
359 varchange[name] = scipy.asarray(varchange[name])
361 return times, varchange
364 times, varchange = var_change_weighted(weights,chemnames,sensarray_design,
365 logprior)
366 intvarchange = {}
367 for name in varchange.keys() :
368 intvarchange[name] = scipy.integrate.simps(varchange[name],times)
369 return intvarchange
371 -def weight_cost(weights,chemnames,sensarray_design,logprior=1.0e20) :
372 """ For this cost function we're going to assume unconstrained
373 variables are being passed in, so we need to convert them to
374 a range between 0 and 1. The sum of the weights should also = 1 """
375 weights0to1 = weights_trans(weights)
377 weights0to1 = weights0to1/scipy.sum(weights0to1)
379 intvarchange = integrated_var_change_weighted(weights0to1,chemnames,
380 sensarray_design,logprior)
381 cost = 0.0
382 for n in intvarchange.keys() :
383 cost = cost + intvarchange[n]
384 return cost
387 wtrans = (scipy.sin(weights)+1.0)/2.0
388 return wtrans
391 w = scipy.arcsin(2.0*transweights-1.0)
392 return w
395 """
396 weights : a vector of positive numbers with length the same as the number of
397 rows of sensarray_design. The weights should sum to 1
398 chemnames: a list of unmeasurable chemical names over which we wish
399 to design experiments
400 sensarray_design: an array of sensitivities of measurable chemicals
401 or just an array of sensitivity vectors, each row a different
402 sensitivity vector
403 logprior : prior on parameters. logprior = log(1000.0) allows parameters
404 to fluctuate by a factor of 1000 """
405 weights_trans = scipy.arcsin(2.0*weights-1.0)
408 w = scipy.optimize.fmin(weight_cost,weights_trans,maxiter = 10000,
409 args=(chemnames,sensarray_design,logprior))
410 woptnotnormed = (scipy.sin(w)+1.0)/2.0
411 wopt = woptnotnormed/scipy.sum(woptnotnormed)
412 return woptnotnormed,wopt
415 """
416 chemnames: list of chemical names
417 logprior: prior on params. logprior = log(1000.0) means parameters
418 allowed to fluctuate by a factor of 1000 """
419 times, bestfit, var = variances(chemnames,logprior)
420 for key in bestfit.keys() :
421 Plotting.figure()
422 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key]/scale)
423 Plotting.hold(True)
424 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key]/scale + scipy.sqrt(var[key])/scale,'r--')
425 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key]/scale - scipy.sqrt(var[key])/scale,'r--')
426 Plotting.title(key,fontsize=16)
427 Plotting.xlabel('time (minutes)',fontsize=16)
428 Plotting.ylabel('number of molecules',fontsize=16)
429 xtics = Plotting.gca().get_xticklabels()
430 ytics = Plotting.gca().get_yticklabels()
431 Plotting.setp(xtics,size=16)
432 Plotting.setp(ytics,size=16)
434 Plotting.show()
435 if return_var :
436 return times, bestfit, var
439 """
440 chemnames: list of chemical names
441 logprior: prior on params
442 Plots the standard deviation of the chemicals when the variance
443 is computed using logs of the chemical trajectories. This
444 makes sure the final plots do not have best_fit+-stddev that
445 do not become negative """
446 times, bestfit, var = variances_log_chems(chemnames,logprior)
447 for key in bestfit.keys() :
448 Plotting.figure()
449 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key])
450 Plotting.hold(True)
451 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key]*scipy.exp(scipy.sqrt(var[key])),'r-')
452 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key]*scipy.exp(-scipy.sqrt(var[key])),'r-')
453 Plotting.title(key,fontsize=14)
454 Plotting.xlabel('time')
455 Plotting.ylabel('arb. units')
457 Plotting.show()
461 """
462 chemnames: list of chemical names
463 sensvect_design: a sensivity vector of a quantity that is
464 measurable
465 This will plot the old and new variances of the chemicals in
466 chemnames, given a new measurement that has sensitivity vector
467 sensvect_design
468 """
469 times,bestfit,var = variances(chemnames,logprior)
470 times,varchange = variance_change(chemnames,sensvect_design,logprior)
472 for key in bestfit.keys() :
473 Plotting.figure()
474 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key])
475 Plotting.hold(True)
476 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key] + scipy.sqrt(var[key]),'r-')
477 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key] - scipy.sqrt(var[key]),'r-')
479 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key] + scipy.sqrt(var[key]+varchange[key]),'k--')
480 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[key] - scipy.sqrt(var[key]+varchange[key]),'k--')
482 Plotting.title(key,fontsize=14)
483 Plotting.xlabel('time')
484 Plotting.ylabel('arb. units')
485 Plotting.axis([0.0,40.0,-.01,1.2e4])
486 Plotting.show()
487 if return_data :
488 newvar = {}
489 for ky in var.keys() :
490 newvar[ky] = var[key] + varchange[key]
491 return times,bestfit,newvar
494 """
495 weights : a proposed set of weights for each of the row vectors in
496 sensarray_design
497 chemnames : a list of chemicals for which we will plot the variance
498 logprior : as before
499 This will plot the old and new variances on chemnames, similar to
500 above.
501 NOTE: the weights that are passed in do not necessarily have to sum to
502 one. e.g. if the weights are normalized such that max(weights) = 1, then
503 by scaling all the weights by 1/sigma, you are then assuming that
504 the most accurate measurement has an error of size sigma. sigma for
505 example could be 20% of the maximum value of a trajectory.
506 """
508 times,bestfit,var = variances(chemnames,logprior)
509 times,varchange = var_change_weighted(weights,chemnames,sensarray_design,logprior)
511 for key in bestfit.keys() :
512 Plotting.figure()
513 Plotting.plot(times,scale*bestfit[key])
514 Plotting.hold(True)
515 Plotting.plot(times,scale*bestfit[key] + scale*scipy.sqrt(var[key]),'r-')
516 Plotting.plot(times,scale*bestfit[key] - scale*scipy.sqrt(var[key]),'r-')
518 Plotting.plot(times,scale*bestfit[key] + scale*scipy.sqrt(var[key]+varchange[key]),'k--')
519 Plotting.plot(times,scale*bestfit[key] - scale*scipy.sqrt(var[key]+varchange[key]),'k--')
521 Plotting.title(key,fontsize=14)
522 Plotting.xlabel('time')
523 Plotting.ylabel('arb. units')
524 Plotting.axis([0.0,40.0,-.01,1.2e4])
525 Plotting.show()
527 if return_data :
528 newvar = {}
529 for ky in var.keys() :
530 newvar[ky] = var[key] + varchange[key]
531 return times,bestfit,newvar
534 times, bestfit, var = variances(chemnames,logprior)
535 nallplots = len(chemnames)
537 nfigs = nallplots/9
538 for figno in range(1,nfigs+1) :
539 Plotting.figure()
540 for i in range(0,9) :
541 Plotting.subplot(3,3,i+1)
542 chemind = i+(figno-1)*9
543 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[chemnames[chemind]])
544 Plotting.hold(True)
545 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[chemnames[chemind]]
546 + scipy.sqrt(var[chemnames[chemind]]),'r-')
547 Plotting.plot(times,bestfit[chemnames[chemind]]
548 - scipy.sqrt(var[chemnames[chemind]]),'r-')
550 yt = Plotting.yticks()
551 Plotting.axis([0,100.0,yt[0],yt[-1]])
552 Plotting.title(chemnames[chemind])
553 Plotting.xlabel('time')
554 Plotting.ylabel('arb. units')
555 xt = Plotting.xticks()
556 Plotting.xticks([xt[0],xt[-1]])
558 Plotting.savefig('./figs/variance_wt_'+i.__str__()+'.ps')
559 Plotting.show()
574 """ reduce_size takes an array of dimension m,n and
575 returns an array with every skipsize row sampled.
576 """
577 size = array.shape
578 newsize = len(scipy.arange(0,size[0],skipsize))
579 if len(size) == 1 :
580 newvect = scipy.zeros((newsize,),scipy.float_)
581 for iind,i in enumerate(scipy.arange(0,size[0],skipsize)) :
582 newvect[iind] = array[i]
583 return newvect
584 elif len(size) == 2 :
585 newarray = scipy.zeros((newsize,size[1]),scipy.float_)
586 for iind,i in enumerate(scipy.arange(0,size[0],skipsize)) :
587 newarray[iind] = array[i]
588 return newarray